回复 :
回复 :情场浪子尼基(Ashton Kutcher 饰)来到猎艳天堂洛杉矶,意欲在这里找到供养他的女性,很快,收入颇丰的女律师萨曼莎(Anne Heche 饰)进入了他的视野,尼基凭借英俊的相貌、魁梧的身材以及久经锤炼的花巧手段,很快俘获了萨曼莎的心,得以入住她的豪宅纵情享乐。尼基本可度过一段波澜不惊的逸乐生活,但是他与餐厅服务生海瑟(Margarita Levieva 饰)的相遇,促使尼基对自己的生活产生了怀疑,最终导致萨曼莎将其赶出家门,一无所长的尼基陷入困顿,海瑟成为了他最后的希望,但糟糕的是,海瑟其实和他一样也是将生活的前途寄托在异性身上的情场猎人。在和海瑟的相处中,尼基不可救药的爱上了对方,在声色犬马的大都市中,一无所有的年轻人还能得到心中的真爱么?
回复 :Adolescence can be tough, especially for young queer people who haven’t quite figured it out. We Will Never Belong charts one teenager’s quest for the truth with style and grace. Emi has recently discovered that her mother is in love with another woman, and Emi’s not handling it well. She retreats to the community, where she was born, to stay with her father and his new family and to spend time with her maternal grandmother. Things are much less confusing at her father’s, at least until her extremely intriguing stepsister shows up. Emi soon begins to understand why her mother living her life authentically was so difficult to face. With nuanced performances and gorgeous cinematography, We Will Never Belong deals with complicated family and identity issues, and does so with incredible thoughtfulness and care.