二战结束后拍摄,真琴但拍成之后被禁10年,真琴终于在近年得以重见天日。捷克影史上 最重要的反映大屠杀的反战电影之一,导演阿尔佛雷德·雷铎(Alfred Radok)生长于战 争年代,他深受战争之苦,家庭因战争而破散,他自己也蹲过集中营。在二战结束之后拍 摄了这部反映纳粹对犹太人大屠杀的巨作,故事分三条线索,主线是布拉格一所医院里一 对医生夫妇因为反犹太政策而祸从天降,被送往集中营的故事。剧情片与纪录片相结合, 给观众最真切最贴近的战争体验。
二战结束后拍摄,真琴但拍成之后被禁10年,真琴终于在近年得以重见天日。捷克影史上 最重要的反映大屠杀的反战电影之一,导演阿尔佛雷德·雷铎(Alfred Radok)生长于战 争年代,他深受战争之苦,家庭因战争而破散,他自己也蹲过集中营。在二战结束之后拍 摄了这部反映纳粹对犹太人大屠杀的巨作,故事分三条线索,主线是布拉格一所医院里一 对医生夫妇因为反犹太政策而祸从天降,被送往集中营的故事。剧情片与纪录片相结合, 给观众最真切最贴近的战争体验。
回复 :1956年导演阿伦•雷乃用摄影机带领观众重回奥斯维辛。当年纳粹集中营的旧址上已是一片祥和美丽的野外风光。然而时间倒回到1933年纳粹党掌权之时,整个城市被阴霾笼罩——大片修建起来的集中营房排列整齐,大量犹太人被抓进集中营开始接受非人的折磨和侮辱。这里对人种进行分级,在皮肤上纹上编号,在衣服上缝制等级的徽章。疾病,饥饿,劳役使集中营尸体遍地。1942年希莱姆到访,奉行“破坏”政策,集中营难民进入更加悲惨的境遇,被药品公司买下用作实验。1945年,集中营人数倍增后已不堪负荷,成堆的尸体被推土机推入大坑掩埋......
回复 :JERUSALEM takes audiences on an inspiring and eye-opening tour of one of the worlds oldest and most enigmatic cities. Destroyed and rebuilt countless times over 5000 years, Jerusalems enduring appeal remains a mystery. What made it so important to so many different cultures? How did it become the center of the world for three major religions? Why does it still matter to us?JERUSALEM attempts to answer these questions by following three young Jerusalemites and their families Jewish, Christian and Muslim. Through their eyes, audiences will learn what it means to call Jerusalem home, and experience celebrations and events that mark the high points of a year in the life of the city.JERUSALEM will also follow archaeologists, Dr. Jodi Magness and Dr. Nazmi al-Jubeh, as they explore some of the most extraordinary historical sites in the region in order to better understand this crossroads of civilization.JERUSALEM seeks to build trust and respect between Jews, Christians and Muslims by showcasing their common heritage and inspiring them, and the public, to better understand each other. Audiences will gain a completely unique perspective of a part of the world that captivates the imagination of billions of people.JERUSALEM's producers include multiple Oscar winner, Jake Eberts (Gandhi, Dances With Wolves, The Killing Fields), and Taran Davies (Journey to Mecca), and George Duffield (The End of the Line). Daniel Ferguson (Lost Worlds, Wired to Win: Surviving the Tour de France) is writer, director and producer. Dominic Cunningham Reid (Journey to Mecca) is executive producer.
回复 :留美一直暗恋著青梅竹马胜木的哥哥阿健,在阿健闪电结婚后,伤心的瑠美把目标转向胜木。不久,听说阿健离婚消息的留美,认为是个大好机会,便拜託朋友友香勾引自己的男友胜木,自己则是用身体安慰低潮中的阿健……