特工A man with the mental faculties of a child must save his mother, thereby becoming god and devil.
特工A man with the mental faculties of a child must save his mother, thereby becoming god and devil.
回复 :一场突如其来的地震波及整个灌城化工园区,管道泄漏触发爆炸不断。浓烟滚滚、火光冲天,灾难迅速升级,如果任其蔓延,整座城市将被夷为平地……面对要救火又要救人的严峻考验,消防救援站一众队员第一时间奔赴重灾区,危难时刻争分夺秒,用生命守护生命。
回复 :唯良和丈夫伟业结婚已经九年了,两人共同抚养着两个可爱的孩子,婚姻生活虽然平淡但是不失幸福。一天,唯良的儿时玩伴安萍忽然找到了唯良,两人已经很久都没有联系了,这次,安萍带来了一个坏消息,那就是唯良的丈夫伟业有了婚外情,而婚外情的对象不是别人,正是安萍的妹妹安玲。唯良找到了安玲,想要劝说后者离开自己的丈夫,可是性子倔强的安玲非但没有意识到自己的错误,还咬定了不会放手。伤心的唯良决定在丈夫的身上下功夫,但很快她就意识到,伟业是真的不再爱自己了。这么长时间来,丈夫和孩子构成了唯良生活的全部,一下子,她失去了人生的意义。
回复 :During WW II, a young German woman is separated from her family and imprisoned by the Nazis. After being freed she falls in love with and marries a German officer. When Berlin falls to the Russians, and her husband killed, she flees to America, carrying his unborn child, all the while not giving up hope that she will find her family, tied together by her mother's ring