作为HoneyWorks 10周年纪念项目,春暖从勇次郎和愛蔵的相遇到LIP x LIP的形成的故事拍成电影!
作为HoneyWorks 10周年纪念项目,春暖从勇次郎和愛蔵的相遇到LIP x LIP的形成的故事拍成电影!
回复 :故事描述了勇敢善良的美人鱼咕噜,经历一系列冒险以后,帮助小侠鱼回归家园的故事。
回复 :茂野吾郎(森久保祥太郎 配音)从小和父亲本田茂治(子安武人 配音)一起过着相依为命的生活,本田茂治是一名职业棒球手,他对棒球的执着和热血深深的影响了年幼的吾郎,使吾郎对于这样运动有着强烈的憧憬,无奈当时棒球属于小众运动,吾郎好不容易找到了同样喜欢打棒球的佐藤寿也(森田成一 配音),两人结下了深厚的友谊。 一次意外中,本田茂治在赛场上受伤丧命,善良的幼儿园老师星野桃子(野田顺子 配音)收养了吾郎。九岁那年,吾郎终于凭借着自己的努力加入了三船海豚少男棒球队,在那里结识了小森大介(钉宫理惠 配音)、清水薰(笹本优子 配音)和泽村凉太(野岛裕史 配音)等好友。
回复 :Pororo and friends are back! This time, they present exciting adventures and friendship in Hammer Town deep in the forest, featuring dragons, wizards, and the colorful Dragon Castle. Arthur, the Great Dragon King, cursed for forgetting the importance of friendship, loses the Dragon Heart, and turns into the Little Dragon. Pororo and his friends meet Arthur and are sent to the Dragon Castle by Ged the Wizard, who wants to steal the Dragon Heart and become the new Dragon King. Being with Pororo and his friends, who fight Ged to save friends in danger, Arthur realizes the importance of friends and the need for sincerity and sacrifice to protect them. This film is familiar yet fresh and fun, with brilliant performances from Pororo and his friends as well as some new characters, such as the Little Dragon, the Dragon Army, and the Robot Dragon.