宅门Irfan, an innocent man with an ordinary life, is portrayed as the evil incarnated by media trials. Is there a journey back to normal life for a man accused of terrorism? Is there more to Irfan than what meets the eye?
宅门Irfan, an innocent man with an ordinary life, is portrayed as the evil incarnated by media trials. Is there a journey back to normal life for a man accused of terrorism? Is there more to Irfan than what meets the eye?
回复 :A ph.D student investigates unusual seismic activity in Los Angeles, leading to a cabal of elitist scientists, who plan to weaponize Nikola Tesla's most secret research to manipulate thought patterns and earthquakes.
回复 :金哈克曼饰杰森罗德上校,一心追查其在越南战场上失踪的儿子,他数度向美国政府陈情始终石沉大海,罗德绝望之余只好采取自力行动。罗德的苦衷获得德州油亨的资助,召集其子在陆战队服役时五位军中好友,经过数周艰苦的训练之后,七人毅然前往寮国展开一场惊险的营救行动。
回复 :第77届奥斯卡终身成就奖获得者西德尼·吕美特(《十二怒汉》、《黄金万两》)经典之作获戛纳电影节最佳男演员奖(拉尔夫·理查森、贾森·罗巴兹、迪安·斯托克韦尔三位男演员同获)、最佳女演员奖(凯瑟琳·赫本)奥斯卡最佳女主角提名 凯瑟琳·赫本影片改编自获诺贝尔文学奖的美国剧作家尤金·奥尼尔的同名自传戏,将一个男人自家中不可告人的秘密毫不留情、赤裸裸地公诸于世。这是一部关于一个戏剧演员青春岁月和他的家庭的伦理片,往事如同幽灵一样纠缠著他,彷佛在他心灵深处跟他在作祟,如果他不倾诉出来,就永远无法安宁。影片立意深刻,细致感人,几位演员的表演精彩绝伦,颇具震撼力。