小职员阿池(黄又南 饰)于凌晨坐上了一辆由九龙旺角开网新界大埔的红色小巴士,小忙车上有司机肥雪(林雪 饰)、小忙义气大叔黄万发(任达华 饰)、神婆(惠英红 饰)、IT男阿信(徐天佑 饰)以及美女Yuki(文咏珊 饰)、吸毒佬(李灿森 饰)等17人。原本平静的夜晚,在小巴穿过狮子山隧道后突然被打破,众人发现除了车上的乘客,全香港的居民仿佛都消失了,一系列的神秘事件接踵而至,大家惊恐之余决定打造统一阵线,以解救自己开启谜团。
小职员阿池(黄又南 饰)于凌晨坐上了一辆由九龙旺角开网新界大埔的红色小巴士,小忙车上有司机肥雪(林雪 饰)、小忙义气大叔黄万发(任达华 饰)、神婆(惠英红 饰)、IT男阿信(徐天佑 饰)以及美女Yuki(文咏珊 饰)、吸毒佬(李灿森 饰)等17人。原本平静的夜晚,在小巴穿过狮子山隧道后突然被打破,众人发现除了车上的乘客,全香港的居民仿佛都消失了,一系列的神秘事件接踵而至,大家惊恐之余决定打造统一阵线,以解救自己开启谜团。
回复 :万圣节前夕,前夫兰迪的一通电话打破了艾米丽原本安静规律的生活。自这天起,艾米丽开始收到一些奇怪的短信:“看见我了吗”,之后便真的能在各种地方看到一个小丑在跟她打招呼。恰逢万圣节临近,艾米丽向任何人说起自己看见小丑,被小丑跟踪,换来的要么是一笑置之,要么就是各种无端的猜测。没有人相信真的有这样一个小丑的存在。但是,艾米丽却每天诚惶诚恐,几近崩溃。最后,她终于鼓起勇气正面应对,却在万圣节当晚遭遇了意想不到的事情…
回复 :Archaeologists defile the tomb of mummified Kharis, who was buried alive for falling in love with an Egyptian princess.
回复 :The Richardson family celebrates their 28-year-old daughter's pregnancy in Northern California. The celebration is interrupted when a Satanic cult member, Aksel Brandr, pays them an unexpected visit. Aksel, on behalf of the cult's leader Henrik Brandr, offers to pay the family a large sum for ownership of their land. Jacob Richardson, the father, rejects the offer due to the priceless sentimental value of their home. Henrik and his cult, displeased, begin to put devastating curses on the Richardsons, trying to force them off their land - even if it means murdering them. After suffering unexplainable tragedies, the Richardsons seek help from Marybeth, a white witch high priestess. They soon discover a terrible secret about their home, revealing why it is so valuable to the cult. They realize they must protect their property from the cult at all costs, and a violent battle between good and evil ensues.