回复 :舞台是传说中的大陆“三璃纱”,高达们驰骋于此战乱的时代!“当三璃纱被黑暗包围之时,拥有三侯灵魂的的高达以将会被圣印玉玺所引导,在此将黑暗驱散…”——取之三璃纱神话《G记》在传说中的大陆“三璃纱”,暴虐的太师董卓扎古暗杀了当时的皇帝,夺取了皇帝的证明圣印玉玺,成为了三璃纱大陆的新支配者。现在三璃纱大陆被黑暗所包围。这时候站起来的是继承神话的三人光芒四射的高达!1人是“继承龙帝”的刘备高达!1人是“红莲的霸将军”曹操高达!1人是“寂静的猛虎”孙权高达!这是一部讲述在乱世之中如同太阳般耀眼而且如梦如幻的男人们的战斗物语!
回复 :该节目第二季是由腾讯新闻打造的一档明星社交实验节目。两位看似来自不同世界的嘉宾,怀着对彼此的好奇紧密相处三天,建立一段与众不同的社交关系。放下身份、背景、圈层差异,在相处中重新认识彼此,也重新认识自己。
回复 :A 70th anniversary television event, Singapore 1942- End of Empire tells the story of those early shocking days of the Pacific War when belief in security and comfort from empire collapsed. For the first time this momentous 20th century battle, and its equally dramatic aftermath, will be told from a multi-national perspective, revealing new and challenging insights into a battle that turned our world upside down. Whilst the Japanese victory confirmed how useless it was for Australians to rely on Britain for their defence, post-war Australians looked to another great protective power - the United States - to align itself with. And Asian nations would rapidly determine their own destiny and seek a tumultuous independence.