回复 :WRITERS RETREAT is a horror film written by Jeremy Sheldon C.M. Taylor set on fictional Kilton Island where strangers come together to develop their writing. Mark Twain famously said Write what you know. But how far would you go to find material for the ultimate bestseller At a writer's retreat on an isolated island, novelist Zandra finds herself amongst a group of strangers confronting their darkest secrets as they write. When a member of the party mysteriously disappears, Zandra fears there is a more sinister presence trapped on the island with them. WRITERS RETREAT is filmed in a classic British Hammer Horror style using the strange features of its location to create a hauntingly terrifying film with atmosphere and menace. The script delves deep into human emotions and honesty, causing the characters to ask questions about themselves that they didn't know they had and question the audience as to whether things are quite what they seem.
回复 :陈涛涛是一名普通高中生,有着青春期里所有的烦恼,与家长不和、学习成绩不好、受青年班主任王老师的冷眼和大块头同学和不良少年的欺负、不能进入自己喜爱的足球队以及从来不敢正视自己暗恋的女神。陈涛涛期望着改变这一切。一天,虽然张小帆心情低落却依然帮助了一位神秘老人,又碰巧横眉冷对的王老师,陈涛涛在酒精的催化下,和王老师发生口角,都要求对方换位考虑问题。这时,正如他们所愿,两人灵魂产生了互换。变成王老师的陈涛涛虽得意一时但发现生活中的处处不便,于是陈涛涛和王老师达成一致定要想办法做回自己。在神秘老人的点拨下,通过二人的相互帮助、理解和共同努力,最终将灵魂换了回来。此时,陈涛涛和王老师在学业、爱情以及亲情中也分别得到不小的收获。
回复 :从事物流业的阿Man,所赚的钱不多,他既要支付日常的开支,又要照顾失业的女友阿娇,实在感到无法负荷. 凭着阿Man与阿娇二人灵活的头脑,终于让他们创立一门生意: 「货车鸡」,每天,阿Man驾驶着他的货车,在闹市中找客人,而阿娇也不停打电话call,一有生意,阿Man就驾驶着他的货车,载阿娇去开工,而他们的工作地方,就是在货车的后座,货车全程在街上行驶,不断穿梭于繁忙的街道,在闹市之中绕行.能偷得浮生半日闲.