Fernando works in an oil tanker that connects two major Argentinian cities. He has a young girlfriend in one and a married lover in the other. As they both become pregnant, his life starts to disintegrate into obsession and violence.
Fernando works in an oil tanker that connects two major Argentinian cities. He has a young girlfriend in one and a married lover in the other. As they both become pregnant, his life starts to disintegrate into obsession and violence.
回复 :影片描绘了80年代日本社会的换妻群相:一对年轻夫妇——每天都在做老婆工作想让她一同参与换妻活动的旅馆老板,一对中年夫妇——组织相关活动的换妻杂志主编与酒吧老板,一对年轻恋人——被中年夫妇勾引进圈的事业有为记者和他喜欢的空窗期恋人
回复 :某日,高中老師鵜川接到一通電話,自稱稻村的律師想詢問他關於六年前的一樁謀殺案,兇手是他當時的女友-遠澤芽衣。時至今日,回想起當初那場刻骨銘心,卻又讓所有人陷入悲劇的炙情熱愛,鵜川彷彿再次體驗那場甜美又心痛的戀愛。然而稻村拿出一張照片,讓鵜川終於說出當年被刻意隱藏的黑暗秘密。
回复 :故事发生在民国年间,影片讲述了警察赵仁在调查无头女尸案的过程中,接连遭遇了如镜中人、凶灵附身、邪神祭拜等灵异事件。不信鬼神的赵仁决心要查出背后的真相,然而,随着命案调查的深入,案件背后越来越多惊悚离奇的细节浮出水面。