单亲母亲杰西(梅利莎·乔治 饰)和一帮朋友乘游艇出海游玩,春暖但她总有一种有不好的事情发生的感觉。不久,春暖他们便在海上遭遇一场强烈的风暴。游艇翻船,众人落海,几经挣扎他们好不容易爬到游艇残骸上来。正当他们无计可施之时,一艘巨大的游轮向众人缓缓驶来。众人欣喜过望,未加思索便登上这艘名为“艾俄洛斯”的游轮,结果发现这竟是一艘1930年便告失踪的神秘之船,而船上更是空无一人。 随处可见的鲜血、神秘的指示以及突如其来的凶杀事件,将这群男女带入万劫不复的恐怖轮回之中……
单亲母亲杰西(梅利莎·乔治 饰)和一帮朋友乘游艇出海游玩,春暖但她总有一种有不好的事情发生的感觉。不久,春暖他们便在海上遭遇一场强烈的风暴。游艇翻船,众人落海,几经挣扎他们好不容易爬到游艇残骸上来。正当他们无计可施之时,一艘巨大的游轮向众人缓缓驶来。众人欣喜过望,未加思索便登上这艘名为“艾俄洛斯”的游轮,结果发现这竟是一艘1930年便告失踪的神秘之船,而船上更是空无一人。 随处可见的鲜血、神秘的指示以及突如其来的凶杀事件,将这群男女带入万劫不复的恐怖轮回之中……
回复 :雙雙(許秋怡飾)本是官家小姐,惟不幸淪落風塵,被迫當娼。雙雙初傷心欲絕,意圖求死,幸得院內名妓綠喬(梁珮玲飾)悉心照顧,雙雙才振作做人,姊妹感情深厚。 後雙雙受新任千戶天(龍方飾)欺凌,喬不值所為與天對抗。喬及雙雙與天對抗,受盡凌辱,喬更被天挾持,情況危急,雙雙為救姊妹,誓要深入虎穴,與天拼一生死。
回复 :A young Canadian nurse (Betsy) comes to the West Indies to care for Jessica, the wife of a plantation manager (Paul Holland). Jessica seems to be suffering from a kind of mental paralysis as a result of fever. When she falls in love with Paul, Betsy determines to cure Jessica even if she needs to use a voodoo ceremony, to give Paul what she thinks he wants.
回复 :Everything or Nothing focuses on three men with a shared dream -- Bond producers Albert R. Broccoli, Harry Saltzman and author Ian Fleming. It's the thrilling and inspiring narrative behind the longest running film franchise in cinema history which began in 1962. With unprecedented access both to the key players involved and to Eon Production's extensive archive, this is the first time the inside story of the franchise has ever been told on screen in this way.