国内The Titans are worried when Starfire says she has sent all of her money to a prince online, especially when it could be the Clown Prince himself.2kyb.com
国内The Titans are worried when Starfire says she has sent all of her money to a prince online, especially when it could be the Clown Prince himself.2kyb.com
回复 :暮光闪闪是一只(略微天然呆的)紫色的独角兽小马驹,他和他的小龙伙伴史派克被导师(女王)塞拉斯蒂娅公主派去小马镇,学习友谊的魔法。他来到小马镇遇见了日后成为了最要好朋友的萍琪派,云宝黛西,小蝶,苹果杰克,瑞瑞。他们各自的特点欢乐,忠诚,善良,诚实,慷慨和魔法使他们能操控谐 律水晶,应对危机。日后他们生活在小马国小马镇,由此产生了许多故事。这群极萌的小马原本收看族群设定是小学女生,在2010年,G4却意外爆红,吸引了一堆成年男子来观看。在4chan上造成轰动的盛况并不亚于Panty stocking。以相当惊人的速度侵蚀了欧美各大宅网。各大同人创作平台上也拿发现其踪迹。其相关的同人创作以及二次设定也正如火如荼地展开。其受欢迎程度到甚至有男性观众公开承认喜欢小马。喜欢小马的男性观众自称是Brony(小马哥),并且拥有专门的讨论版。在各大游戏对战平台上常常可以见到小马的头像。
回复 :南枫(中原麻衣 配音)是一位活泼可爱的少女,她暗恋着名为结木摄(德本恭敏 配音)的男孩,然而,腼腆的她无法正视自己的感情,只能将这份爱意默默地埋藏在心底。一次偶然中,南枫走进了一家魔法商店,买回了一只附有精灵的马克杯,在念出杯底篆刻的咒语之后,一只名叫咪路(小樱悦子 配音)的精灵出现在了她的面前。就这样,南枫开始了和咪路的共同生活。平日里温文尔雅但一发起火来就会变身修罗的莉露姆,身材矮小个性呆萌的王子姆路(钉宫理惠 配音)、有些色色的但十分可爱的亚西吉(铃木晶子 配音),除了咪路外,这个世界上还存在着许许多多的精灵。
回复 :Every year, the elves come from his magical world to bring humans a new spring. Tim is a new one this year. Distracted by the attractive sound of the fair, he wanders away from the other elves, being captured by former trapeze artist Samuel, who brings him to Vladimir, owner of a circus who exploits him as a fairground attraction. Teresa, a naughty 6-year-old girl, is jealous of her little brother, baby Jon. When visiting the fair, she discovers Tim while he is being exhibited and she will become infatuated with him. Tim, at the same time, will see in her an opportunity to escape. Hidden in Teresa's house and protected by her, they live several adventures, becoming inseparable friends. Over time, matching with the end of the spring, Tim begins to transform in a Little tree. He has been away from his world and his people for too long, and only by helping him to return will Tim be saved. There is no time to lose, but be careful Vladimir is lurking.