回复 :Having woken up in Hong Kong, with no memory for the last two years (!), Sydney returns to Los Angeles to try to piece together the last two years of her life and discovers the fates of her friends and family: Vaughn has married thinking that Sydney was long dead; Marshall is having a baby with CIA tech expert Carrie Bowman; and Dixon is now the new division head of the L.A. office branch of the CIA. Sydney also learns the shocking fates of Jack and Sloane; the former is in CIA custody for communicating with Irina whom still is in hiding, while the latter is living in Switzerland under house arrest in exchange for co-operation with the CIA. Sydney is granted temporary CIA clearance on a case that may help her regain her memory and she meets a new enemy group called The Covenant.
回复 :《武器猎人》跟随具有摇滚范的专业剑客保罗·舒尔踏上寻找战争中最狂野武器的旅途,为他助阵的是一群古怪散漫,永远神秘兮兮的历史学家,战地侦察家和武器收藏家。这些人一起复原了这些战争遗物,并让它们回归到战斗状态。从击剑到坦克战,舒尔将自己陷入险境,去感受这些武器的威力和影响,并探索它们是如何彻底改变了战争的。
回复 :丁遇锋(秦昊 饰)被父亲丁阳国(张笑君 饰)的老战友林奇(米东学 饰)抚养长大,和林家女儿林舍舍(张嘉倪 饰)相爱,两人青梅竹马。长大后的丁遇锋,在一次机缘巧合之下,他进入了廖氏集团旗下的高端派对公司,他移情别恋,与公司CEO廖燕蝶(崔智友 饰)相识,两人日久生情。而此时,廖燕蝶的弟弟廖泽楷(孙亦沐 饰)又误打误撞的对正处于失恋伤心中的林舍舍情有独钟。而从小与母亲离开丁遇锋的哥哥丁默(李东学 饰)回国,打破了四人平静的生活,渐而揭开了一段不为人知的黑暗往事。