回复 :极具生意头脑但游手好闲的大国(马东锡 饰),意外认识了技术高超但被吊销营业执照的整容医生智友(郑敬淏 饰),二人一拍即合,雄心壮志的大国势要改写韩国整容史。凭着摸爬滚打多年的社交手腕,大国成功接通黑白两路,整容医院不仅迅速爆红,更冲出国际吸引外国人来组团换脸。当他俩的整容帝国如日中天时,背后却有人对他们的生意虎视眈眈,成功令无数男女改写命运的大国,这次能否帮自己大翻身?
回复 :祁龙武功绝学索命决的唯一传人,为了得到一笔丰厚的奖金,救治身患重病的女儿,参加了了世界武道大赛,身怀绝技的祁龙一路晋级,就算面对身高两米,身体犹如铜墙铁壁的巨人强森,也轻而易举的将其击败,赢得冠军,名声大振。为庆祝获冠,武道大赛的组织人尤砺举行了一场庆祝会,邀请了这次比赛的所有高手,大家本以为是在参与一场武艺交流的盛宴,却不料落入了尤砺的阴谋,一个制造生化人的惊天大阴谋。
回复 :In 1965, Bob Crane, who had achieved some earlier success as a television supporting actor, was working as a successful morning radio DJ at KNX Los Angeles. Despite enjoying his work, photography (especially of the female form) and drumming, Crane wanted to be a movie star. So it was with some reluctance that he accepted the title starring role in a new television sitcom called Hogan's Heroes (1965), a WWII POW comedy. To his surprise, the show became a hit and catapulted him to television stardom. The fame resulting from the show led to excesses and a meeting with home video salesman and technician John Carpenter, with who he would form a friendship based on their mutual interests, namely excessive sex (for Crane, purely heterosexual sex) and capturing nude females on celluloid. His fame allowed Crane to have as much sex as he wanted, which was incongruent to his somewhat wholesome television friendly image, and the way he portrayed himself to almost everyone except Carpenter and his...