回复 :故事发生在清朝康熙年间。逃难途中,出身卑微的李卫(徐峥 饰)邂逅岳思盈(陈好 饰)姐弟,他们结伴来到江南。李卫在客栈偷拿微服私访的十三阿哥胤祥(王辉 饰)的宝剑,赶赴县令冯月清(孙宝光 饰)所设法场,救下一群因哄抢粮食即遭处决的灾民,这一切被尾随其后的胤祥和胤禛(唐国强 饰)看在眼中,对他大加赏识,并派他出任苏阳县令。目不识丁的李卫当官伊始闹出不少笑话,但他凭借机智与歪才,惩治了横行一方的恶霸,苏阳百姓对他称赞有加。李卫的功绩传到胤禛耳中,此时正逢西北战乱国库空虚,李卫又被任命为扬州知府,负责查处当地盐商偷税漏税一并惩处贪官。扬州赴任,与盐商的初次交锋让李卫知道了什么叫人外有人天外有天......
回复 :Nina has been killed in a vampire attack and the gang now has to take care of baby Eve, whose werewolf heritage appears to have attracted the attention of vampire overlords known as the Old Ones. George dies while rescuing Eve, leaving her in the custody of Tom (who moves into Honolulu Heights) and Annie. Hal later turns up and becomes the new vampire at Honolulu Heights. Lawyer Nick Cutler, a vampire created by Hal in 1950, plans to expose werewolves as part of a larger plan involving a vampire conquest of Earth. Cutler tries to get Hal back to his old ways of drinking blood and eventually succeeds in breaking Hal down. The blood sends Hal into overdrive and he repulses Alex, whom he is dating, with his crude and unusual behaviour when they meet for a second date. Alex leaves angrily but is followed by one of Cutler's men. Meanwhile, Eve, from the future, reveals to Annie that in her future, most of humankind are dead or living in concentration camps and vampires now rule every inch of the world. Annie is shocked to learn that Hal is the ruthless leader of the new vampire revolution. To save the world, Eve asks Annie to kill her when she is a baby. Cutler reveals Alex's dead body drained of blood as revenge for Hal murdering his wife in similar fashion in 1950. Cutler then locks Hal up but Alex returns as a ghost and helps Hal escape. The Old Ones then arrive in Barry. To save the world Annie blows up Eve and The Old Ones, therefore saving the world, which is her unfinished business. The series ends with Hal, Alex and Tom living together in Honolulu Heights.
回复 :Ecrivain de 40 ans, Adrien Winckler à connu, sous le pseudonyme de Mody, une gloire éphémère à la parution de son premier roman. Mais depuis, l'inspiration s'est tarie et il se confronte à l'angoissant syndrome de la page blanche. Pour subsister, il exerce la profession de "nègre pour inconnus", rédigeant, contre une somme forfaitaire, le roman d'anonymes qui considèrent que leur vie vaut bien un livre.C'est ainsi qu'il se fait embaucher par Albert Desiderio, modeste retraité, atteint d'une terrible maladie rénale, qui compte bien employer le peu de temps qu'il lui reste à raconter sa vie...