回复 :卡罗尔(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)和克莱(T·J·米勒 T.J. Miller 饰)是一对相爱相杀的兄妹,他们共同在父亲的公司里工作,一个人是董事,另一个是执行官。在处理公司事务上,兄妹两人完全是截然相反的两种态度,卡罗尔严肃而又谨慎,希望公司里的一切都能够按照规章制度所设定的那样运转。生性放荡不羁的克莱则并不这么想,他希望通过种种重口味的活动和派对来刺激员工们的工作欲望。父亲的去世让卡罗尔和克莱必须决定他们谁才是这家公司真正的继承人,为了拉拢人心,克莱在损友乔什(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 饰)的帮助之下决定举办一场疯狂的圣诞派对。
回复 :Rabiye Kurnaz is someone you might generally call an ordinary woman, except that she is a real dynamo. Taking care of her children and much more, she is the one running the show in her terraced house in Bremen. Shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001, her son Murat is accused of terrorism and is (one of the first) shipped off to Guantanamo prison camp. This marks the beginning of a journey into the heart of world politics for this resolute German-Turkish woman. Together with human rights lawyer Bernhard Docke, whom she soon has completely on her side (like almost everyone around her), she battles for the release of her son – using her very own brand of self-taught English – all the way to the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.Cologne-based comedienne, author, presenter and much more Meltem Kaptan is the perfect fit for Andreas Dresen’s special talent for combining explosive topics (in this case based on actual events) and the everyday concerns of the average citizen. Kaptan’s, or rather Rabiye’s, performance is overwhelming, and not just for the lawyer (played by Alexander Scheer) who quickly becomes a friend. A portrait of a passionate woman who holds the steering wheel of her beloved vehicle as firmly in her hand as she does the reins in this turbo-charged film.
回复 :电影《大山之恋》为一部公益性 影片,剧情根据沂蒙山区支教题材改 编,从关注山区儿童教育切入,热情 地讴歌了乡村中这些朴实无华的教 师,展现了中国传统文化美德。电影 讲述了大山深处,老教师苏文敬常年 坚守在贫困的乡村,既当老师,又是 校长,还兼做保姆,一干就是30多 年,把全部的心血倾注在山村贫困的 孩子身上,一个人撑起了一所学校, 一双手托起了希望的明天。电影着重 讲述了亲情与爱情,乡情与人情,情 节曲折、跌宕起伏,悬念重重,催人 泪下。