回复 :The Nativity is a 2010 British four-part drama television series. The series is a re-telling of the nativity and was broadcast on BBC One and BBC HD across four days, starting on 20 December 2010. It was rebroadcast in two hour-long parts on the mornings of 24 and 25 December 2011.The series stars Tatiana Maslany as Mary; Andrew Buchan as Joseph; Neil Dudgeon as Joachim; Claudie Blakley as Anna; Peter Capaldi as Balthasar and John Lynch as Gabriel.
回复 :8月16日上午,湖南卫视品牌栏目《小戏骨》之《西游记》小演员全国启动仪式暨云南选拔赛在昆明世博园隆重举行。现场400余名报名小选手进行了角逐,将有150名选手拥有晋级复赛的资格。本次选拔赛分为海选、复赛、决赛三个阶段,最终胜出的40位小朋友将参与儿童电影《西游记》的拍摄。
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