欧美A father gets into a desperate search to find his children who disappeared while going down stairs from their apartment in the seventh floor.
欧美A father gets into a desperate search to find his children who disappeared while going down stairs from their apartment in the seventh floor.
回复 :Survivors of a tragic shipping collision are rescued by a mysterious black ship which appears out of the fog. Little do they realise that the ship is actually a Nazi torture ship which has sailed the seas for years, luring unsuspecting sailors aboard and killing them off one by one.91Those who survive the ghost ship are better off dead!
回复 :不知从何时起,一段自杀直播的视频在网络上疯传,最为恐怖的是,凡是看过视频的人无一例外死于非命。某晚,就读于一所女子高中的女孩森崎典子坠楼身亡,她生前恰恰在网上寻找过那段视频。森崎的级任老师鲇川茜(石原里美 饰)由此对传闻产生怀疑。与此同时,警方也对该留言进行调查,结果发现的确所有看过视频的人都意外死亡。令人匪夷所思的是,即使视频删掉也如病毒一样在网络上疯传。最终,所有的矛头都指向了自杀视频的始作俑者柏田清司(山本裕典 饰)。他似乎借此在召唤某个带有强烈怨念的恶灵出现,真相究竟如何?
回复 :丹尼尔(马丁·康普斯顿 Martin Compston 饰)和长相彪悍的维克特(埃迪·马森 Eddie Marsan 饰)在狱中相识,维克特胆大凶狠,一心干票大买卖远走他乡。服刑期间他将目光锁定在20岁的富家女爱丽丝·克莉德(杰玛·阿特登 Gemma Arterton 饰)身上,于是出狱后策划和丹尼尔绑架爱丽丝勒索巨额赎金。经过一番缜密策划,他们成功将爱丽丝劫持到事先准备好的公寓。绑架、伪装、制作勒索短片,一切似乎尽在掌握之中,然而短短的几天内意想不到的事情接连发生,两个绑匪和一个人质如同坐在一辆失控的汽车之上,朝着未知的方向急速狂奔,前途未卜……本片为J Blakeson的长片处女作。