回复 :Join TOMORROW X TOGETHER as They Take Viewers Along on Their First Ever World Tour in This Upcoming Disney+ Original Documentary.After a successful debut that saw TOMORROW X TOGETHER (pronounced “tomorrow by together”) take over the airwaves, the group are preparing to embark on their first world tour in TOMORROW X TOGETHER: OUR LOST SUMMER – a behind the scenes documentary coming exclusively to Disney+ July 28.In 2019, TOMORROW X TOGETHER made a splash by becoming the first K-pop group to enter the U.S. Billboard 200 chart with their debut album. In TOMORROW X TOGETHER: OUR LOST SUMMER, viewers get to see band members SOOBIN, YEONJUN, BEOMGYU, TAEHYUN, and HUENINGKAI reunite in preparation for their international tour. With nerves at an all-time high and pressure to deliver the performance of a lifetime, how will the group handle themselves on some of the world’s biggest stages, including Lollapalooza? Follow along in this upcoming documentary slated to debut July 28 only on Disney+.
回复 :讲述了意见不和的父子二人穿越回90年代元宇宙,一起奋斗,追逐青春梦想的热血搞笑故事,一边是抱有权威又刻板印象的财阀父亲李长海,一边是想要回到现实的逆鳞脱线儿子李奥,角色转变和身份互换让昔日父子秒变同学兄弟,一同带来另类角度的怀旧回忆。
回复 :一场意外的邂逅中,帕特深深的爱上了皮姆,在学校的一场会议中,两人重逢,并且开始熟络起来。虽然帕特对于皮姆的感情真挚而又炙热,但她还是选择将这份真心深深的埋藏在心底,因为皮姆此时已经有了一个英俊帅气的男友。然而,皮姆自己也知道,她和男友之间的恋情并不会有什么结果,最终,皮姆选择了和男友分手。让皮姆没有想到的是,帕特的身影常常出现在自己的脑海之中,她明白了自己对于帕特的情谊,两情相悦的两人终于走到了一起。然而,当她们决定结婚之时,这段恋情却遭到了帕特家人的强烈反对。面对世俗的成见,帕特和皮姆的真爱能否开花结果呢?