未解A young married couple become involved with another woman and must learn to navigate a three-way relationship in this funny, tenderly told love story.
未解A young married couple become involved with another woman and must learn to navigate a three-way relationship in this funny, tenderly told love story.
回复 :周凯(王凯 饰)参与走私,被身为缉毒警察的弟弟周超(马天宇 饰)逮捕入狱。三年后,周凯出狱,改过自新。曾经的手下阿仓(余皑磊 饰)已为毒贩头目,为获取周凯的海外客户资料,设计加害周凯。江湖中的好兄弟马柯(王大陆 饰)为了替周凯报仇,失去一条腿。自己的亲弟弟周超不相信哥哥周凯已金盆洗手,不断搜集证据,欲亲手逮捕周凯。最终,周凯与警方合作,逮捕了阿仓,两兄弟重归于好。
回复 :因公司聚會而錯過末班電車的上班族們,只能前往上司家中過夜。這群上班族在上司家中發現了上司的可愛女兒,面對散發青春氣息的年輕肉體,醉醺醺的他們終於按耐不住誘惑……。
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