回复 :Marple is extremely proud when she is appointed to the board of trustees of a merchant marine training vessel whose mission is to rehabilitate young criminals. As in all of her endeavors, Miss Marple intends to take an active role in the job and even shows up to the board meeting dressed in naval blues. When a fellow trustee is poisoned just prior to his making some kind of revelation, Miss Marple decides to use her position to spend time on the ship. This upsets the vessel's fragile social network as she dispossesses blustering Captain Rhumstone from his quarters. When two ship's officers are later found murdered also, Miss Marple enlists help from her friend Jim Stringer and Inspector Craddock to expose the murderer.
回复 :13部短片,13个导演,看到不一样的萨拉热窝,记录现实和历史的交汇点……
回复 :地下赌场教父卓老大被人设计暗杀,其女卓胜男(胡慧中饰)继承社团领袖位置,并发誓为父报仇。而卓老大之死,实则为其仇家之子狄峰(方中信饰)所为。狄峰精于千术,专程由美回港报仇。而他的终极目标是令卓家身败名裂、家破人亡,遂派人骚扰卓胜男旗下娱乐场所,并要求与卓胜男进行一场赌局,赌注就是卓胜男名下的赌场。与此同时,与卓家有生意往来的日本山口组头目在香港被暗杀,山口组首领宫本次郎(万梓良饰)亲自到香港展开调查。一时间,卓胜男深陷两难境地,孤立无援。王振仰执导的香港黑道电影《胜者为王》,由胡慧中、方中信、吴镇宇、麦德罗、西协美智子等大牌明星领衔主演。