回复 :故事讲述的是一个极度危险的精神病人从医院逃出,与常人无异般地在街上随意出入。在杀死一名女子后警方在医生的配合下终于找到了线索,与嫌犯展开了一场貌不惊人却暗藏乾坤的搏斗。
回复 :乔治·希顿编导的上乘战争片,剧情重点不是一场战役,而是一场布局精妙的心理战。剧情描述美国情报员杰佛逊·匹克在诺曼第登陆战前两天被德军绑架前往德国巴伐利亚。当派克从昏迷中转醒,发现他置身于盟军的一家医院中,而且此时战争已经结束,他还有了一个妻子叫安娜。精神病医生华特·格伯要跟匹克讨论他的失忆症,其实是想从他口中套出诺曼第登陆的军事情报。在关键时刻,匹克发现了这原来是一场骗局,乃跟德军玩猫捉老鼠的斗智游戏,最后更在格伯协助下逃回盟军阵地。悬疑性浓厚的情节始终掌控着观众的好奇心,三位主角詹姆斯·加纳、爱娃·玛丽·森特、罗德·泰勒也都表现出色,可惜压轴的逃亡动作戏拍得比较一般。
回复 :After a late-night cup of coffee, vaudevillians Jo Hayden and Harry Palmer sit at a piano and work a song. Moments later, Jo realises she's found exactly what she wasn't looking for: a partner. And with Judy Garland as Jo and Gene Kelly as Harry, the partnership isn't just ideal. It's a film fan's dream come true. Kelly debuts and Garland dazzles in this Busby Berkeley-directed tale of a song-and-dance pair who take on tank towns, tough times and World War I while struggling for show-biz success. A hit parade of era tunes paces the film, including the wowser "Ballin' the Jack" and the sweetly harmonized title tune. Bursting with vitality and old-fashioned charm, "For Me And My Gal" is for the ages.