月陨Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the family with a similar plan.
月陨Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the family with a similar plan.
回复 :他在網路上發現兩個跟自己長得一模一樣的分身,嶄新的生活與愛情隨之開展。怎料不為人知的犯罪前科浮出檯面,危險隨即在暗處伺機而動。
回复 :影片是一部加拿大西部片。讲述一个美国蒙大拿枪手小子来到加拿大的小镇时,发现这里没有人能理解和欣赏美国西部的硬汉精神....
回复 :鲍里斯(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)成长于一个人丁兴旺的俄罗斯大家庭里,在诸多的兄弟之中,要数他的身板和胆识最为渺小。在鲍里斯的眼中,表姐索嘉(黛安·基顿 Diane Keaton 饰)一直都是缪斯般的存在。可是,索嘉宁愿嫁一个渔夫,也不愿选择鲍里斯。令鲍里斯深受打击的事情远远不止这一件,战争开始了,为了效忠国家,鲍里斯被迫拿起长枪走上了战场。一次偶然中,鲍里斯成为了战斗英雄,荣归故里的他几经波折,居然赢得了此时已成为寡妇的索嘉的芳心,两人组成了人人羡慕的幸福家庭。好景不长,战火再次袭来,拿破仑攻占了莫斯科,鲍里斯必须重回战场。无法忍受离别之苦的索嘉决定一劳永逸——刺杀拿破仑。于是,一对傻头傻脑的夫妻带上他们的猎枪,就这样出发了……