法警信全的學弟抽到代表必須去執行槍決的「吉」籤,春暖學弟老婆懷孕還不足 三個月,春暖怕這個任務會帶來厄運,他不知道明天該不該幫學弟代班出任務。 然而信全早有與女兒的約定,無奈執行名單已經進入流程,進退兩難的他該 如何面對這漫漫長夜?
法警信全的學弟抽到代表必須去執行槍決的「吉」籤,春暖學弟老婆懷孕還不足 三個月,春暖怕這個任務會帶來厄運,他不知道明天該不該幫學弟代班出任務。 然而信全早有與女兒的約定,無奈執行名單已經進入流程,進退兩難的他該 如何面對這漫漫長夜?
回复 :正处于更年期的母亲(刘清玲饰)脾气异常火爆,平时家人很少能够团聚,然而每次她的两个女儿和一个儿子前来看望她时,就一定会遭到母亲的各种无端挑剔。久而久之,孩子们都不愿意再回家了,母亲感到异常愤怒。后来,她的小女儿通过自己的方式终于使母亲有了很大的改观,母亲和孩子们之间的关系也有了很大的改善。
回复 :A lonely widower battles his family, ill health and time to win a competition for a golden ticket to space.
回复 :On holiday in Yalta, Muscovite banker Dimitri Gurov contrives to meet a young woman who walks her dog. She's Anna Sergeyovna, trapped in a loveless marriage to a lackey. He's unhappy in an arranged marriage. With neither spouse at hand, Dimitri and Anna begin an affair. After a short time, she returns to Saratov, he to Moscow, believing it's good-by forever. All winter he is miserable, enervated, distracted by tristesse. In desperation, he contrives to go to Saratov, surprising her at a concert. Fearing discovery in her home town, she promises to come to Moscow. Will they cast aside reputation to live together, or will theirs be an affair of infrequent encounters in hotel rooms? Written by {jhailey@hotmail.com}