久久久无A widowed mother must help her teenage daughter escape a life of crime after she becomes embroiled in a dangerous scheme to steal luxury cars for her high school teacher.
久久久无A widowed mother must help her teenage daughter escape a life of crime after she becomes embroiled in a dangerous scheme to steal luxury cars for her high school teacher.
回复 :Childhood friends Tommy and Tuppence meet in London after having served in World War I. Recently "demobed", short of money, and with no job prospects, they decide to become adventurers for hire. Soon, they are employed by the British Government to locate a secret treaty signed before the war.
回复 :恐怖分子企图劫持横越大西洋的夜间班机,身怀怪病的女子因而被迫亲上火线。为了保护儿子,她必须让黑暗的祕密曝光,释放出她一直设法压抑在体内的怪物。
回复 :摄影师卡伦的三岁女儿哈利聪明可爱,一家三口家庭幸福美满。一日,卡伦带哈利去坐旋转木马时,哈利无端走丢,卡伦从此陷入失去女儿的痛苦之中难以自拔。丈夫不堪失去爱女之痛与卡伦离异,在所有人都以为哈利已经过世的情况下,唯有卡伦坚持不懈继续寻找哈利,直到十二年后卡伦去柯尔伍德高中为高中生年鉴摄影时发现一个叫女孩艾玛的女孩与哈利容貌相似,事情才有所转机。卡伦继续展开追踪,发现艾玛现在的母亲苏珊·麦奎因不仅平日对艾玛的行踪监管严格,更可疑的是去公墓悼念一个无字婴儿墓。疑点重重下,卡伦提取艾玛指纹与哈利作比对以