回复 :A film on the come back of exorcism in the contemporary world. Our world. Each year a growing number of people call their sense of unease “possession.” In Italy, Europe, worldwide. The Church answers to this spiritual emergency nominating an increasing number of exorcist priests and organizing training courses. Father Cataldo is one of the most sought-after exorcists in Sicily and elsewhere; he is famous for his tireless fighting spirit. Every Tuesday Gloria, Enrico, Anna, and Giulia, along with many others, attend Father Cataldo’s mass for deliverance, trying to find a cure for a sense of discomfort that has no answer nor a name. Whether believers or not, how far are we prepared to go to get recognition for our own disease? What are we prepared to do to be delivered from it, here and now? This is the story of a meeting between the act of exorcism and everyday life, where the contrasts between the ancient and modern, the religious and profane, are at times disturbing and at others exhilarating. A film not about religion, but about how religion can be experienced.
回复 :网络上流传着关于“挠痒”的神秘竞技,一个同志想参与这场“挠痒痒大赛”却被告知此运动仅限直男。记者大卫·法里尔(David Farrier)深入探寻后发现“挠痒”的背后是一条完整的灰色产业链,这其中不仅有挠痒视频的制作方对演员的压榨与侵害,甚至还能看到美国由金钱操纵的阶级制度的冰山 一角。 本片曾获得2016年第32界圣丹斯电影节世界电影单元纪录片评审团大奖提名。一场“挠痒”的运动,却让人笑不 出来。
回复 :影片讲述了某电台当红女主播奈美乐(汤怡 饰)总无故遇见种种诡异事件,严重影响了她的精神状态,导致在工作中频频出错,台长命思思(郭艳 饰)接任其职位代替奈美乐主持节目。她不仅工作出色,面对感情也极度专一,对双月天(季晨 饰)痴情不已,为他付出一切也在所不惜。可就在一切都看似美好中,双月天意外死亡,谁才是真正的凶手?一段悬疑惊悚的故事拉开帷幕。