回复 :根据漫威漫画《What If》改编动画影集,每集扭转漫威电影宇宙的关键时刻,探讨如果Steve Rogers没有接受实验,而是卡特探员成为超级战士?抑或如果蜘蛛人加入惊奇四超人?等故事,引领观众进入未知领域。
回复 :The eight toon participants are meijubar.net parodies of famous cartoon figures Spanky Ham is a downloaded internet cartoon as mentioned in a previous episode (Newgrounds.com). Captain Hero is like Superman (DC Comics). Ling-Ling is like Pikachu from Pokémon (Nintendo Games). Xandir is like Link from The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo Games). Princess Clara is like various heroines from animated feature films (Walt Disney). Toot Braunstein is like Betty Boop (Max Fleischer, Paramount). Foxxy Love is like Valerie Brown from Josie and the Pussycats (Hanna-Barbera). Wooldoor Sockbat is like SpongeBob SquarePants (Nickelodeon Network). Guest toon Bucky Bucks is a combination of Donald Trump and Richie Rich (Harvey Comics).
回复 :Netflix成人喜剧动画《大嘴巴》第3季发布预告,奇葩的“青春期性教育”回归。黄阿丽新加盟配音一个泛性恋学生,桑迪·纽顿配音新的荷尔蒙怪兽。