中文A love story based on the bestseller by Robert Seethaler and is set in a remote Alpine village.
中文A love story based on the bestseller by Robert Seethaler and is set in a remote Alpine village.
回复 :青少女安娜自出生以来就被父亲隔离起来抚养,他尽一切可能隐瞒她的身世。当一位女警官艾伦介入她的生活中,对她的生活背景展开调查后,安娜愈加发现自己对于森林的向往,同时挣扎着抵抗她体内不断增长的嗜血欲望。
回复 :讲述一个母亲深信女儿的新男友跟自己的过去有着黑暗的联系,这一段看似良缘的恋爱随之变成了噩梦。
回复 :From filmmakers of Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, this film goes beyond the headlines of the Ghislaine Maxwell case to tell the story of Epstein's mystery accomplice, illuminating how her class and privilege concealed her predatory nature.