回复 :无影门的传人马小远为了接近女神碧云,假扮成捉妖大侠远赴盘丝镇捉妖。误打误撞之下,马小远竟杀掉了前来挑衅的蠢萌妖怪,成为了镇上的大英雄,碧云更是对他心生爱慕,不曾想却被随后出关的盘丝大仙揭露了他的骗子身份,并抓走了碧云。是贪生怕死继续做个骗子?还是奋不顾身做个英雄?马小远陷入了抉择……
回复 :娜塔莉(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)是一名哲学教师,和丈夫汉斯(安德烈·马孔 André Marcon 饰)结婚数十年,两人共同养育了两个孩子,日子过得平静而美满。某日,汉斯忽然和娜塔莉坦白,自己在外面有了情人,不仅如此,他还打算从家里搬出去和情人同居,虽然娜塔莉表面故作镇定,但内心却遭受了强烈的打击。娜塔莉的母亲(爱迪丝·斯考博 Edith Scob 饰)曾是一名当红模特,如今却饱受抑郁症的困扰,三番五次自杀未遂,无奈之下,娜塔莉只得违背了母亲的意愿,将她送进了养老院。与此同时,娜塔莉听从她曾经的学生法比安(罗曼·科兰卡 Roman Kolinka 饰)的建议前往法比安与他朋友们在山上所建立的公社。
回复 :Rainbow is an uplifting, enchanting, magical fable set in Rajasthan that reinforces the belief that life is beautiful. The story revolves around the wonderful relationship between a 10-year old girl Sakina and Chotu, her 8-year old brother who live in a picturesque village nestled among the sand dunes. Having lost their parents to an accident at a very early age, they live with their uncle and aunt. Chotu is blind but he is anything but sad. Happy, precocious and a smart ass, he is the life of the village.Sakina is his eyes, his guide and his best friend. And Chotu is the center of Sakina's universe. As children sometimes do, not truly understanding the consequences, Sakina has promised Chotu that he will be able to see by the time he turns 9 and as always, Chotu believes her unconditionally. On their weekly trip to the neighboring village to see a movie, Sakina sees a poster with Sharukh Khan (SRK) appealing to people to donate their eyes. Sakinais convinced that her reel life hero ... Written by Nagesh Kukunoor