回复 :自从富人沈昂买下亦商别墅B区32号时,他便饱受各种离奇怪异事件所困扰,最终导致精神失常,并对家人和医生宣称这幢别墅里有鬼出没。沈昂的妻子高雨彤(邓紫衣 饰)对这一说法难以置信,她约上好友麦克(TAE 饰)来到亦商别墅,在房地产中介丁先生的引领下走入了这幢已被封闭良久的豪宅。屋内阴森凄凉,令人不寒而栗。及至夜晚,更有许多奇怪的声音和事件困扰着雨彤,而且情况愈演愈烈。为了查明真相,麦克用随身携带的摄像机真实记录下白天和夜晚发生的一切……本片号称伪纪录恐怖片《鬼影实录》的亚洲版,由中国最具传奇色彩的编剧张二参与剧本创作,这也是他继《异度公寓》以来推出的又一经典巨作。
回复 :Classic British comedy adapted from a James Thurber story about a tweed manufacturer's elderly accountant who devises a plan to save the company from an American takeover bid. The arrival of an efficiency expert from the States causes enough of a stir but, when it turns out to be a woman, the old-fashioned number cruncher declares war. Man-eating businesswoman, Angela Barrows is sent by her US company to Edinburgh to investigate export opportunities. She meets businessman Robert MacPherson en route and he persuades her to help bring his company into the 20th century. The staff, lead by Mr. Martin, have other ideas and a battle between the old and new business methods breaks out.
回复 :片中讲述两大高尔夫球天王,合计共赢得19座四大赛事冠军奖杯的老虎?伍兹以及菲尔?米克森,在拉斯维加斯影溪高尔夫球场正面交锋前的准备过程及精采幕后花絮。