影片主人公名叫“青木刚”(池松壮亮 饰),男朋妻子病故,男朋独自抚育着8岁的儿子。青木从日本来到了兄长(小田切让 饰)居住的首尔,接触到了进口奇怪化妆品的工作。另外一方面,崔嬉序扮演的是在首尔从事艺人活动的女明星,她和所属事务所的社长发生了关系,同时也因工作环境和家庭关系而苦恼。这样的两个家庭命运开始交织,他们将共同见证奇迹发生。
影片主人公名叫“青木刚”(池松壮亮 饰),男朋妻子病故,男朋独自抚育着8岁的儿子。青木从日本来到了兄长(小田切让 饰)居住的首尔,接触到了进口奇怪化妆品的工作。另外一方面,崔嬉序扮演的是在首尔从事艺人活动的女明星,她和所属事务所的社长发生了关系,同时也因工作环境和家庭关系而苦恼。这样的两个家庭命运开始交织,他们将共同见证奇迹发生。
回复 :After Porn Ends, is a documentary that not only examines the lives and careers of some of the biggest names in the history of the adult entertainment industry; but what happens to them after they leave the business and try and live the "normal" lives that millions of other Americans enjoy. They hailed from the rural South, steel towns, and the San Fernando Valley. As teenagers, and young adults, none of them thought that porn was in their future. They were artists, baseball players, child prodigies, and even Ivy Leaguers. Now, after their lives in porn; they're TV stars, bounty hunters, writers, and social activists. What happened in between? And now that they've moved on, can they really live a normal life after porn? Written by Bryce Wagoner
回复 :美国人约翰-诺德利John Nordley是阿罗哈号The Aloha的船长,这是一艘停泊在英国贝茅斯港的帆船,他在这艘船上生活并进行私人包租。他经常违反英国法律,把船开到他的清单上没有列出的其他国家。有一天,客户安塞姆先生Mr. Anselm找上门,要求在不列颠群岛的东边航行一周,但他一上船就要求航行到荷兰的Maasvlakte,并向诺德利保证不会有任何非法行为。但这个请求直接把他自己和诺德利带入深渊,以至于引来几路人马要获得诺德利与安塞姆的秘密,大家都在刻意接近诺德利,他必须决定谁可以信任,谁不能信任。
回复 :本片改編自著名武俠小說家黃鷹的同名小說,由華山於1983年執導。故事講述龍飛(白彪 飾)精心雕琢的水晶美人像忽然失蹤後,多名黑道高手離奇被殺,江湖傳言乃水晶人變成精靈殺人之所為。龍飛經過連番追蹤後,終發現水晶人(劉玉璞 飾)乃日后(陳思佳 飾)訓練之殺手。水晶人揭發江湖廝殺之真正幕後人,實為偽裝王爺的天帝(王戎 飾)……