  时间:2025-03-31 10:15:46

星猫A young woman's girlfriends throw her a "bachelorette" party shortly before she is to be married, and they hire a male stripper for the occasion. As things get hot and heavy, however, they also tend to get a bit out of hand, and the result is that they wind up humiliating him. What they don't know, however, is that he's not just your average male stripper--he has "magical" powers, and he uses those powers to take his revenge on the women.




回复 :第十二作江戸城大奥では、将軍の子を身ごもった二人の女、側室の環(行友圭子)とお千加の方(松尾嘉代)の権力争いが繰り広げられていた。そして大目付の板倉将監(小池朝雄)と組んだ大奥総取締役の錦小路(久保菜穂子)の企てで、敵対する人間が次々と殺され、それは眠狂四郎の仕業として広められた。そのため、江戸市中では、眠狂四郎が血と女に狂ってしまったと大騒ぎになっていた。そんなある日、狂四郎は白昼堂々、お庭番の集団の襲撃を受け、これを退けるが、その帰路で出くわした、大奥の女?小夜(藤村志保)に兄と間違われた。狂四郎は、小夜の兄が自分の名を騙った張本人であろうと思い、問い詰めるが…



回复 :Brooklyn-based Ella Richards does freelance work as a seamstress to pay the bills, but is also a struggling fashion designer, her talent which her friend Max, who often gets her her sewing work, can see. She specializes in designs for plus sized women such as herself in knowing that the high end fashion industry largely ignores this majority segment of the population in she herself having felt that exclusion all her life. Katie, her best friend and roommate, has her own fashion industry aspirations in wanting to be a fashion editor, although she admits the environment at Look, the high end fashion magazine where she works as an assistant, is not a pleasant one in the Editor-in-Chief Claudia Davenport and her assistant Liza, Katie's boss, treating people in general, including staff, like garbage unless it otherwise serves their needs. The first day that Ella helps Katie with an important fashion shoot at the magazine coincides with Derek Colby's first day there, Colby Publishing, his father Roger Colby's company, the magazine's parent company, assigning him to deal with the magazine's declining revenues, both in advertising and subscriptions, work he has done with other magazines under the Colby banner. Derek secretly asks Ella for a crash course in fashion design to assist in this task at the magazine, she his choice of teacher due to her knowledge of fashion in general, and she seemingly not being intimidated by him which most people tend to be in being a Colby in combination with his good looks resulting in he placing number seven of the most eligible bachelors in New York City. In spending time with Ella, Derek can see the revenue potential of the magazine expanding into the plus sized market and seemingly starts to fall for her in the process in wanting to do one of the first articles in this vein on her design career, much against the wishes of both Claudia and Liza. Beyond whether Derek is able to change the magazine's fortunes with this new direction, what happens between Ella and Derek will depend on whether Ella herself is confident enough in herself and Derek, who generally can have any woman he wants on his arm.—Huggo



回复 :主人公李解拿自己的传家龙坠向女友小朵求婚,却被倒卖古玩的安森盯上。几次偷抢未果后,安森绑架李解女友,并威胁李解要交出龙坠,李解智斗坏人抱得美人归。



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