玉女影片Followed by the conclusion from before, many more affairs ensue within the land of Mewni and in the world of those influenced.
玉女影片Followed by the conclusion from before, many more affairs ensue within the land of Mewni and in the world of those influenced.
回复 :『いつか天魔の黒ウサギ』は、平凡な毎日を送っていたはずの高校生・鉄 大兎(くろがね たいと)が、9年前に交わしたある少女との約束を思い出し、彼女との約束を果たすため、非日常の世界へ踏み込んでいく…という物語を描く学園ファンタジー。
回复 :超人气少女恋爱冒险游戏《喧哗番长乙女》动画化决定,动画将以《最强番长是少女-GirlBeatsBoys-》为名,由实力派工作室ProjectNo.9担当制作。作品预计于2017年春季以10分钟短篇动画的形式,进行中日两版放送。绘梦动画将首次担任日本动画制作委员会的组织者,同时负责中国地区的运营。
回复 :In season 13 of FX‘s comedy Archer, The Agency have been acquired by the spy conglomerate known as IIA (International Intelligence Agency). As Archer and gang struggle to find their identity performing odd missions for Fabian, one question arises will they be able to maintain independence, or will they succumb to their corporate overlords