樱桃The volatile intersections of contemporary Moscow and the intimate lives of five people.
樱桃The volatile intersections of contemporary Moscow and the intimate lives of five people.
回复 :这是一个关于摇滚、爱情和友谊的故事。列宁格勒,80年代初的一个夏天:摇滚音乐在当地风靡一时。Viktor Tsoï是位年轻的音乐家,就像其他年轻人一样,他也被齐柏林飞船和大卫·鲍伊的音乐所吸引,并尝试在摇滚乐坛上闯出一片名堂。一天,他遇到了偶像Mike和他漂亮的妻子Natacha。这次邂逅使他的命运发生了巨大转变。他们三人将一同写就Viktor的传奇,使他名留青史。
回复 :这部影片改编自真实历史事件,讲述的是美国历史上最知名的一位叛逆:纽顿-奈特(Newton Knight)的故事。奈特是密西西比当地人,南北战争中他从南军叛逃,组织了一队士兵,在自己的家乡建立了名为“琼斯的自由国度”的国家。奈特不仅与一位黑人女奴结婚,拒绝回到南军服役,更是在密西西比这块邦联政府的属地解放黑奴,这在当时的美国实属罕见,也让他成为密西西比当地的一位传奇人物。
回复 :Bill Saunders, disturbed ex-soldier, kills a man in a postwar London pub brawl. Fleeing, he hides out in the apartment of lonely nurse Jane Wharton. Later, despite misgivings about his violent nature, Jane becomes involved with Bill, who resolves to reform. She gets him a job driving a medical supplies truck. But racketeer Harry Carter, who witnessed the killing, wants to use Bill's talents for crime.