回复 :Reporter Curt Devlin loves sob sister Ellen Garfield but believes women are bum newspapermen. When she learns the identity of a murdered arsonist, he calls it luck. When she goes after the murderer he gets enough evidence to have Maitland Coulter arrested. She finds a bunch of not guilty ballots and publishes the wrong story; he eavesdrops on the jury and gets the correct verdict. After being fired she gets a confession from the real killer and gets Coulter released.
回复 :清光绪年间,山河动荡,外忧内患,中国处在生死存亡的一线间。光绪皇帝(舒适饰)当朝,却因慈禧太后(唐若青饰)垂帘听政,身不由己,宛如傀儡一般。户部尚书翁同龢习光绪学经解义,并灌输启蒙思想,使光绪萌发变法之心;而光绪宠妃珍妃(周璇饰)亦每日存下银两,以作军资。\r甲午惨败,翁同龢开缺回乡,临别前向光绪举荐康有为。戊戌年(1898年),光绪与维新派展开变法,却受到慈禧为首的顽固派的抵制,双方矛盾愈演愈烈。太后一方定下计谋,企图借天津阅兵之际废掉光绪;而维新一派亦相时而动,派出袁世凯(罗维饰)刺杀荣禄,围执太后……
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