草莓Americans on vacation in the Caribbean take a tour of a nearby island at night and watch a local voodoo ritual. Soon after, they find themselves stranded on the island and under attack by unseen foes. One by one they meet violent ends.
草莓Americans on vacation in the Caribbean take a tour of a nearby island at night and watch a local voodoo ritual. Soon after, they find themselves stranded on the island and under attack by unseen foes. One by one they meet violent ends.
回复 :In 2018 a string of tragedies unfolded in North Eastern Nevada. A woman was found dead and another would vanish along the same stretch of remote highway. Could these events be linked to the 2017 disappearance of outdoorsman Gary Hinge?
回复 :根据史上100部伟大推理小说改编而成●一区标准版,全新数字修复高清版本片《线人》是根据史上100部伟大推理小说,改编而成,是导演彼得·叶兹经典作品之一;爱迪是一个交友广泛的人,但世界上却没有是永远的朋友;因为身边的人,正在处心积虑地准备把爱迪重新送回监狱;为了逃脱这个悲惨命运,爱迪干起了走私军火的生意,他把军火卖给那些准备抢银行和干绑架的“朋友们”但不知不觉间,这个强盗内部,似乎有警察的卧底,到底是谁呢?他们的抢劫行动到底能不能成功呢?!
回复 :改编2013年俄罗斯社群网路流传的「蓝鲸游戏」。电影描述同住考试院的晟敏与俊赫,某天获知考试院里和他们关系良好的妹妹自杀了,当晚晟敏却收到了那个女孩SNS传来的讯息。两人开始质疑这场自杀背后是否有阴谋,他们找上骇客Nuri,欲从女孩的SNS寻找蛛丝马迹。电影想传达的议题正是:SNS对我们来说到底是什么存在?日常传送讯息的SNS曾几何时成为了犯罪管道?