回复 :雪芳与白玉为醉枫楼酒女,柯阿圳与日本勾结,势力极大,对雪芳大献殷勤,却不得要领。林三郎为留日青年,留学不成,醉心音乐,垂青白玉,为她作「孤恋花」一曲。一日,被美军轰炸醉枫楼遂成废墟,柯阿圳及白玉被炸死。光复後,雪芳在五月花酒家当总司令,旗下美女如云。
回复 :夏天的某个周末,金小蓓(张雅琳)、张建力、侯红携带北京的朋友赵尘(黄志忠)、马洋回到长江边的家乡游玩,仍呆在故乡小县城的如今做了警察的中学同学于栋(郭晓冬)高兴过后,同他们一道迎来想藏也藏不住的现实生活中的无趣和尴尬。金小蓓是于栋的初恋情人,她与现任男友赵尘因对未来不知所措关系很紧张;面对外表看来无大变化的金小蓓,联想起自己同老婆枯燥无奈生活的于栋打翻了心中的五味瓶。而一张写有“爱你到死”的纸条则触及了所有人内心的隐秘,各种猜忌和怀疑开始上演。
回复 :Rabiye Kurnaz is someone you might generally call an ordinary woman, except that she is a real dynamo. Taking care of her children and much more, she is the one running the show in her terraced house in Bremen. Shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001, her son Murat is accused of terrorism and is (one of the first) shipped off to Guantanamo prison camp. This marks the beginning of a journey into the heart of world politics for this resolute German-Turkish woman. Together with human rights lawyer Bernhard Docke, whom she soon has completely on her side (like almost everyone around her), she battles for the release of her son – using her very own brand of self-taught English – all the way to the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.Cologne-based comedienne, author, presenter and much more Meltem Kaptan is the perfect fit for Andreas Dresen’s special talent for combining explosive topics (in this case based on actual events) and the everyday concerns of the average citizen. Kaptan’s, or rather Rabiye’s, performance is overwhelming, and not just for the lawyer (played by Alexander Scheer) who quickly becomes a friend. A portrait of a passionate woman who holds the steering wheel of her beloved vehicle as firmly in her hand as she does the reins in this turbo-charged film.