亚洲Chris is a psychic who lives his life out of order - experiencing past, present and future as a jigsaw puzzle. But when he commits a murder in the future, he has to change his past and present in order to prevent it from happening.
亚洲Chris is a psychic who lives his life out of order - experiencing past, present and future as a jigsaw puzzle. But when he commits a murder in the future, he has to change his past and present in order to prevent it from happening.
回复 :青梅竹马的好友莎夏和马库斯闹翻了,并且 15 年都没说过话。莎夏成为了洛杉矶的名厨,回到家乡旧金山开了一家餐厅,就在这里,她遇到了老朋友 — 一位快乐、知足的音乐家,他一直与父母同住并为父亲打工。尽管两人都不情愿和好,但他们很快就发现彼此之间还存在旧的火花,或许还擦出了一些新火花。
回复 :The host of a failing children's science TV show attempts to fulfill his childhood dream of being an astronaut by building a rocket ship in his garage, all while trying to makes sense of surreal events around him.
回复 :虽然有着诸多不舍,但是强势的老板徐伊万(徐峥 饰)还是和合作伙伴兼妻子张璐(袁泉 饰)结束了失败的婚姻。由于某种心理作祟,他试图阻挠前妻在海外重新创业。为了第一时间赶去美国,他回到母亲卢小花(黄梅莹 饰)的住处取护照,结果阴差阳错和母亲坐上了开往俄罗斯的K3次列车。如同身边的老年人一样,卢小花对儿子有着无休止的过度关爱与碎碎念。漫长的旅途中,伊万饱受折磨,他一边遥控表弟郭贴(郭京飞 饰)破坏张璐的生意,一边和母亲展开斗智斗勇的拉锯战。在这一过程中,母子二人冲突不断。伊万渐渐了解到母亲的爱情,同时他也开始反省自己的人生。一路向北,久违的《红莓花儿开》期待再度唱响……