  时间:2025-03-10 06:28:29

新方It's a wonderful spoof documentary following a team on its quest for the oil gobbler, an animal that has evolved to be the perfect denizen of a polluted world. Loathed by the locals for its voracious habit of eating anything plastic, from wellington boots to the protective sleeves farmers put round their saplings to prevent them being eaten by other animals, the ropaci is an elusive specimen and has the team - and thus the audience - intrigued. Finally, they catch it on film - and then manage to capture a young one that they want to take back home with them. The perils of their journey from the pollution-ridden Bohemian basin back through the clean, fresh air of the forest prove too much for the little creature and they come up with an ingenious way of saving it.




回复 :故事发生在十九世纪的英国,皮普(杰瑞米·艾文 Jeremy Irvine 饰)从小成长于贫苦家庭之中,看着他长大的是个性暴躁的姐姐和杰夫乔(杰森·弗莱明 Jason Flemyng 饰)。一次偶然中,皮普来到了一幢神秘的庄园之中,在那里住着的是他的雇主哈文森姆小姐(海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)和她的侄女艾斯黛拉(霍利·格林格 Holly Grainger 饰)。随着时间的推移,皮普深深的爱上了性格冷艳高贵的艾斯黛拉,深知自己配不上她的皮普在内心里燃起了想要跻身于上流社会的念头。一笔突然到来的神秘财产让皮普得以实现了他长久以来的愿望,他来到了伦敦,开始了自己的“变身计划”,而此时的他并不知道,本以为是时来运转,但自己不过只是棋盘上的一颗棋子而已。



回复 :1980年代中期的冷战时期,英国谢菲尔德市的居民露丝·贝克特和吉米·坎普正在为即将到来的婚姻和第一个孩子的出生做准备,谢菲尔德是皇家空军基地的所在地,拥有主要的钢铁、能源和化工生产基地。但是苏联向伊朗进军,计划将其转变为苏联的卫星国。美国、英国以及北约和联合国的其他成员 愤怒地谴责苏联的侵略和军事活动,尤其是在附近的R.A.F.基地,露丝和吉米的家人忙于他们的日常事务,很少关注伊朗发生的事情,一个春日,没有任何警告,苏联用ICBMs袭击了英国——其中两个袭击了谢菲尔德,摧毁了大部分建筑和居民,但更可怕的是随之而来的后果——一个没有公共秩序的世界,没有干净的食物、水、电,也没有能力生产其中任何一种。露丝挣扎了10多年才在这个可怕的,贫瘠的,放射性的国土上生存……



回复 :1960年捷克卡罗维发利国际电影节最佳导演水晶球奖。Originally titled Seryozha, the Russian A Summer to Remember was co-adapted by Vera Panova from her own short story. War and Peace director Sergei Bondarchuk plays the new stepfather of young Seryozha (Borya Barkhatov). So close do the stepfather and the boy become in the months following their meeting that, when time comes for the boy to move on in life, he refuses to leave his new dad's side. Their summer idyll takes place on a Soviet collective farm, managed by Bondarchuk and depicted by novice filmmakers Georgiy Daneliya and Igor Talankin in the most glowing and apolitical of terms. Though there isn't much to the plot, the film admirably succeeds as a sort of cinematic tone poem.From All Movie Guide: Russian filmmaker Georgi Daneliya ranks among his country's most popular directors of satirical comedies. The Georgia-born Daneliya comes from a distinguished family of film performers; his grandmother, Veriko Andzhaparidze, was a famed Georgian silent film actress, his cousin, Sofiko Chiaureli, is also a major actress, and his mother, Meri Andzhaparidze, spent more than a decade at Mosfilm Studios. However, he first chose to train as an architect (perhaps out of respect for his father, an engineer). Following his graduation in 1955, Daneliya worked only briefly in that field when he decided he'd rather be in films, enrolling in Mosfilm Studios' Directors' Courses in 1958. In 1960, Daneliya co-directed Seryozha/A Summer to Remember with Igor Talankin. Two years later, he made his solo directorial debut, Put K Prichalu/The Way to the Wharf (1962). His 1969 comedy Ne Goryuy!/Don't Worry! successfully blended humor and melancholy, a device that would become Daneliya's trademark. In addition to directing, Daneliya co-authors the scripts for his films and occasionally works on screenplays for other directors. Daneliya has won numerous national and international awards for his work. In 1964, his Ya Shagayu po Moskve/I Walk Around Moscow received an honorable mention at the Cannes Film Festival, while in 1975 Afonya received a special award at the All Union Festival, a major U.S.S.R. event. Daneliya's biggest hit in the U.S.S.R., Mimino (1977), earned the special prize at the Moscow International Film Festival and the U.S.S.R. State Prize. In 1991, Daneliya earned the Nika Award (the Russian equivalent to an Oscar) for Best Screenplay for Pasport (1990).



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