回复 :有罪妖精青丝白发祸乱人间,引炼妖司主司钟馗寻踪伏妖。钟馗赶往清水镇寻青丝白发踪迹,赏金猎人墨璃恰在此时介入清水镇,令钟馗确信青丝白发定然隐藏在清水镇。钟馗在清水镇炼妖司执事何金水协助下,寻踪觅迹,多次与赏金猎人墨璃交锋,墨璃将捉拿青丝白发视作与钟馗的一场赌约,相互竞逐,多番斗法,钟馗从中抽丝剥茧,终于明悟真相,破获青丝白发的真身。青丝白发到底是何妖物?为何兴风作浪?钟馗与墨璃这场赌约谁才是最终赢家?
回复 :66岁的施密特先生(杰克•尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)退休赋闲在家,无所事事的生活让他颇感无聊。每天依旧7点起床,可是陪伴他的只是无聊的字谜游戏和令人生厌的妻子,施密特需要找点事来改变自己的生活,于是他打算资助一位坦桑尼亚的孤儿恩度古,并提笔给他写了第一封信。妻子的忽然离世让他的生活显得更加冷清,他曾至开始想念那个乏味的女人,可是就在这时,他在妻子的换衣间里找到妻子和另一个男人的情书。施密特决定独自驾车去旅行,他去了很多曾经生活过的地方,回忆当年感慨良多。在一时冲动亲吻一位有夫之妇之后,他慢慢的原谅了自己的妻子。女儿的婚姻比自己想像的更糟,平庸的丈夫和不可思议的家庭让他对女儿的未来愈加担忧,然而这一切都非他所能改变。旅途中他从未停止给恩度古写信,在信里,施密特详尽的描述着自己的生活和困惑。当施密特参加完女儿的婚礼,回到家时意外的收到恩度古的回信,看着那些简单的文字和恩度古充满童真的图画,施密特忽然泪如泉涌……
回复 :Gwen grows up with her romantic mother constantly telling her the story of her courtship and marriage to her father. Nick grows up with an alcoholic father who can't hold a job and whose family, as a result, is forced to move all the time. The two are shaped by this - Gwen a romantic and Nick withdrawn, unsure of himself - as they watch the hugely popular sixties sitcom, One Big Happy Family. Years later, it is the star of that show, now a child actor gone bad with a history of detox and people always saying, I thought she was dead, Francesca Lanfield, who connects the two of them, after years of near-misses and almost encounters. Gwen is hired to ghost-write Francesca's autobiography, while Nick, becoming her lover, is the architect who is to design a building on Francesca's property. When Gwen decides to crusade to save Francesca's building, she writes letters to the newspaper which catches Nick's attention - and wins his heart.