回复 :Out of the chaos, darkness and violence of the Middle Ages, one family rose to seize control of England. Generation after generation they ruled the country for more than three hundred years, ruthlessly crushing all competition to become the greatest English dynasty of all time. They were The Plantagenets. Presented by award-winning journalist and acclaimed historian Dan Jones, the Plantagenets combines creative and insightful research with searing dramatic reconstructions to bring to life this shocking and visceral time in England’s history. From Henry II, betrayed by his own wife and children when they try to seize the throne to the powerful friendship between Henry III and Simon de Montfort which falls into hatred and bloody civil war; from Edward II’s adulterous French wife and his ‘legendary’ death from a red hot poker to the boy king and tyrant Richard II one of the most vicious and inventive despots in English history; Britain’s Bloodiest Dynasty: The Plantagenets uncovers a dark, vengeful and bloody history which compels viewers into the heart of the action as they bear witness to the most ruthless dynasty in English history.
回复 :《跨界冰雪王》由北京电视台、华策天映传媒、北京华彬文化基金会、上海举起影视文化工作室、华策净玺娱乐基金联合出品,由华策天映传媒全案制作。节目将于2017年1月7日起每周六晚21:08在北京卫视首播。8位滑冰零基础的明星为助力冬奥,实现梦想,入驻魔鬼训练营;在“营长”张艺谋的带领下,由冰舞奥运冠军申雪、赵宏博亲自指导,国家花滑队贴身培训。在参加节目期间,明星营员们将接受冰上残酷而又充满乐趣的技巧训练,并且接受每周一次真实冰上实境表演的挑战。
回复 :Follows "The Walking Dead" star and motorcycle enthusiast Norman Reedus as he hits the open road to explore local biker culture and celebrate the best and brightest collectors, mechanics and craftsmen around the country.