回复 :No matter how much he devotes to his sport, veteran boxer Urita remains in the blue corner – the domain of the underdog in the ring. Despite on a permanent losing streak, his meticulous analysis of fights benefits Ogawa, a gifted talent and champion hopeful, and Narasaki, a timid rookie, both gaining strength and confidence under his discipline. Punching his 30 years of boxing experience into the screenplay and the choreography of action sequences, director Yoshida Keisuke uppercuts a realistically crafted drama that underscores the passion, sacrifice and camaraderie in the world of combative sports.
回复 :Two young women, torn apart by a childhood tragedy, unexpectedly reunite and embark on an illuminating 24-hour journey, where they unlock memories of long-forgotten innocence and what it means to truly believe.
回复 :日本前任首相东条英机在1945年东京审判时被作为A级战犯判决,同时,在横浜地方法院,战时发令层的B级战犯和作为执行者的C级战犯审判也在进行中,其中包括了曾作为东海军司令官的冈田资中将和19名空袭时被逮捕的部下。在美军首席辩护人的辩护下,棉队法庭,冈田开始讲述战时所发生的事情……