回复 :流贯婆罗洲东北端从源头到出海绵延五百六十公里,京那巴当岸河是沙巴的命脈,这里有奇幻地景,从雾气缭绕的丛林高地,沿途的奇异景象让人目不暇给,也被誊为东方亚马逊!
回复 :在这个节目中,世界闻名的“狮语者”凯文·理查森将和世界顶级的行为动物学家一起参与进来。他们将一起设计令人兴奋、有趣和突破性的任务和谜题,来观察和考验狮子和鬣狗的特定能力和行为。
回复 :We take our liberties for granted. They seem absolute and untouchable. But they are the result of a series of violent struggles fought over 800 years that, at times, have threatened to tear our society apart. On the frontline was a document originally inked on animal skin – Magna Carta. Distinguished constitutional historian David Starkey looks at the origins of the Great Charter in 1215 to check the abuses of King John - and how it nearly died at birth. He explores its subsequent deployment, its contribution to making everyone – even the monarch – subject to the rule of law, and how this quintessentially English document migrated to the North American colonies and eventually became the foundation of the US constitution. Magna Carta has become a universal symbol of individual freedom against the tyranny of the state, but with ever-tightening government control on our lives, is it time to resurrect it?