Tom Hardy一人分饰两角出演伦敦黑帮史上最叱咤风云的克雷兄弟,落秘雷金纳德(Reginald Kray)和罗纳德(Ronald Kray)。他们统治了上世纪五六十年代整个伦敦的东区,落秘从持械抢劫到暴力袭击,从收保护费到走私军火,谋杀,可以说是无恶不作。黑白两道通吃的他们在商界、政界、娱乐界都广受欢迎。兄弟中的弟弟自称是双性恋,与许多政客有染……警方在1968年将两兄弟捉拿归案,最终判处终身监禁,结束了他们罪恶的黄金时代……
Tom Hardy一人分饰两角出演伦敦黑帮史上最叱咤风云的克雷兄弟,落秘雷金纳德(Reginald Kray)和罗纳德(Ronald Kray)。他们统治了上世纪五六十年代整个伦敦的东区,落秘从持械抢劫到暴力袭击,从收保护费到走私军火,谋杀,可以说是无恶不作。黑白两道通吃的他们在商界、政界、娱乐界都广受欢迎。兄弟中的弟弟自称是双性恋,与许多政客有染……警方在1968年将两兄弟捉拿归案,最终判处终身监禁,结束了他们罪恶的黄金时代……
回复 :Robin Hardy 1973年的The Wicker Man的续集年轻的夫妇贝丝和史蒂夫,从德克萨斯刀苏格兰度假.此地的迷人风光和居民的热情好客,让他们不胜欣喜.然而,渐渐地,这个风光秀丽的小镇不为人知的狰狞面目渐渐破开迷雾,等待他们的,是一场不可想象的恐惧和灾难...Charmed by the residents of Tressock, Scotland, two young missionaries accept the invitation to participate in a local festival, fully unaware of the consequences of their decision.Young Christians Beth and Steve, a gospel singer and her cowboy boyfriend, leave Texas to preach door-to-door in Scotland . When, after initial abuse, they are welcomed with joy and elation to Tressock, the border fiefdom of Sir Lachlan Morrison, they assume their hosts simply want to hear more about Jesus. How innocent and wrong they are.When two young missionaries (Brittania Nicol and Henry Garrett) head to Scotland, they are initially charmed by the locals in the town of Tressock, and agree to become the local Queen of the May and Laddie for the annual town festival. But the couple is not prepared for the frightening consequences of their decision, and the very disturbing secrets they are about to discover about Tressock's seemingly friendly townspeople.
回复 :The history, politics, pleasure, and BS of wine told through opening ten very different bottles.
回复 :1)米奇与杰克开车来到一家加油站,四周围逡巡着骷髅一样的怪物,他们想要逃离,却总会回到加油站门口。2)三个爵士乐女孩的汽车路上遇到故障,她们搭乘了一对夫妇的车并来到对方的家里。然而这户人家弥漫着古怪的气息。3)驱车夜归的男人卢卡斯不慎撞到了其中一名逃出来的爵士女孩。他报警求救,却不知自己身在何处。万般无奈下,他载着女孩前往附近的城镇治疗,但医院空无一人。4)破旧的酒吧中,突然闯进一名持枪男子要寻找失踪的妹妹,他心急如焚,但他完全没意识到这是一个多么诡异的所在。5)一家三口回到家中,这时突然有几名戴着面具的人闯了进来。衣冠楚楚的男主人,不知将要为何付出代价。