百合Follows the story of a widowed billionaire, Valentin Esposo, and his ten mistresses, fighting tooth and nail to become his new legal wife.
百合Follows the story of a widowed billionaire, Valentin Esposo, and his ten mistresses, fighting tooth and nail to become his new legal wife.
回复 :由桑尼·布诺主演的歌舞喜剧,以六十年代初期的巴尔的摩为故事背景。那是美国人保持天真漫烂的最后时刻,整个社会马上就要面临时代的剧变,影片透过一个风靡青少年的电视歌舞节目来反映他的政治观察,以及对社会边缘人争取公民权的深切同情。剧情围绕一黑一白的两个家庭展开。桑尼的女儿被势利的母亲以溺爱的方式教养,一心训练她成为舞蹈皇后,但她在电视节目公开招考新舞蹈员时输给了一名黑人少女,而当地电视台当时是采取黑白种族隔离政策的,在青少年打破种族禁忌追求爱情和工作自由之后,传统的陋规终于成为历史……
回复 :破敗的上流舊邸中,年華老去的變裝皇后一針一線地繡著寂寞。一個動盪的夜裡,年輕帥氣的革命份子卡洛斯走進她的世界,頹圮的人生再次有了綺念。為了維繫關係,她讓卡洛斯在家裡堆放不明紙箱、進行祕密聚會,明知這段忘年曖昧希望渺茫,但為了珍稀的愛,她無悔無憾。隨著同在暗處的兩人越走越近,一場風暴也漸漸成形,這段戀情及國家的未來,都將因此翻天覆地⋯⋯。改編自拉美同運先驅萊梅貝爾的同名小說,以復古濃郁色調描繪智利風聲鶴唳的獨裁年代。同被打壓的性少數和政治少數,在歷史的十字路口談起沒有明天的戀愛。智利影帝卡斯特羅繼《愛獄王子》後再次挑戰酷兒題材,破天荒化身變裝皇后大談老少戀。不僅藉著眼神巧妙演繹出主角的不安與盼望,更精準平衡了風塵跨性女子的浪漫與滄桑。本片入圍2020年威尼斯電影節威尼斯日單元。
回复 :"Dr. Cyclops" is known as one of the better "early sci-fi" films, made in '39 and released in 1940. (It is also in color.) But while the story has potential and there are some good moments, this is a very confused film.The plot is simple - crazy mad scientist on some remote island can shrink animals, and wants to try it on humans. He manages this on a scientific team that came to check things out. They get angry, and the crazy scientist eventually gets really angry because his new shrunken subjects won't cooperate.The thing is, the film doesn't seem to know if it wants to be a thriller, or a goofy movie. Dr. Cyclops (never called that but referenced to a Cyclops after one lens in his glasses breaks) looks cool in his "30's style sci-fi helmet" as he performs experiments and can be chilling at times. But there is so much "Disney-style goofy music" going on that it is hard to take anything seriously. The music belongs in a family comedy for the most part, and is played when the shrunken people do things like try to survive, and creep around the floor. Add that a few of them have pretty gruesome deaths and that just adds to the confusing atmosphere.The FX aren't so bad but nothing special. The giant sets built are pretty impressive though. There is a scene where little fires are tossed at a real crocodile's head which probably made animal activists angry.It also takes a long time for anything to really happen. This movie could have been done in a nice tight half-hour. Good for a viewing, but you probably won't watch again. The performance of the guy who plays Dr. Cyclops is definitely the main attraction.