回复 :As the Fifteenth Doctor, played by Ncuti Gatwa, takes over the TARDIS for his first epic adventure he will be joined by Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson, as she makes her debut as the Doctor’s companion.The episode sees the Doctor come face-to-face with the mythical and mysterious goblins as his life collides with Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson.Little is known about Ruby Sunday as she was abandoned on Christmas Eve as a baby. Now living with her mum, Carla and grandmother, Cherry her world is about to be turned upside when she encounters the Doctor and the two set off on their first adventure together
回复 :《替身》讲述了著名设计师沛彤(刘颖仪饰)因为误用精神药物,幻觉连连疑神疑鬼,开始见到另一个自己像鬼一样的缠着她,从小享受独女娇宠的刘沛彤,将如何面对这个突如其来的同胞姊妹,两人面对面,是你死我活的决斗?还是同体共生的和睦?最终,在心理医生文威(洪天明饰)的帮助下,确认自己不是精神分裂的同时,揭开一个意想不到的真相。故事情节可谓集惊悚悬疑烧脑为一体。
回复 :深夜,疲劳驾车的吴永群撞伤了一名孕妇,忙乱之下他驾车逃离。开出去不远后吴永群良心发现折回现场意图对那名孕妇施救,却发现孕妇已经不知所踪。自此以后,吴永群开始被幻觉缠身,常常见到“女鬼索命”的场景,而身边也开始不断发生离奇的死亡事件。精神濒临崩溃的吴永群最终在身为警察的小舅子推荐下,找到了当地著名心理医生黄正斌进行心理辅导。 随着心理辅导的逐渐深入,吴永群惊讶地发觉,被自己撞伤并失踪的孕妇,正是黄正斌的妻子。而黄正斌,也在寻找妻子的踪迹……