  时间:2025-03-31 23:22:12

【内容简介】东非大裂谷自红海至赞比西河口,连绵三千里,从太空都能看到。这里是多姿多彩的地方,有喷发的火山、覆盖着森林的高山、美丽的峡谷、广袤的草原、巨大的平湖和河流,是鳄鱼、河马、狮子、大象、火烈鸟和非洲人的家园。BBC采用最新的高清摄影技术,探讨了形式东非大裂谷的地质力量,展现世界上野生动物品种最多的地貌。Visible from space, Africa's Great Rift Valley runs three thousand miles from the Red Sea to the mouth of the Zambezi. It's a diverse terrain of erupting volcanoes, forest-clad mountains, spectacular valleys, rolling grasslands, huge lakes and mighty rivers, and is home to crocodiles, hippos, lions, elephants, flocks of flamingos and a diversity of indigenous peoples.Using state-of-the-art high definition filming techniques, this series investigates the geological forces which shaped East Africa's Great Rift, and which make it one of the world's most wildlife-rich landscapes.Part 1: FireThe valley is the product of deep-seated geological forces which have spewed out a line of cloud-wreathed volcanoes stretching from Ethiopia to Tanzania. Their peaks provide a refuge for East Africa's most extraordinary wildlife, including newly discovered and previously unfilmed species which have evolved surprising survival strategies to cope with their challenging mountain environment.Part 2: WaterThe Great Rift Valley channels a huge diversity of waterways - rivers, lakes, waterfalls, caustic springs and coral seas - spanning from Egypt to Mozambique. Some lake and ocean deeps harbour previously unseen life-forms, while caustic waters challenge life to the extreme. But where volcanic minerals enrich the Great Rift's waterways, they provide the most spectacular concentrations of birds, mammals and fish in all Africa.Part 3: GrassThe Great Rift Valley provides the stage for an epic battle between trees and grass - its course influenced by volcanic eruptions, landscape and rainfall. On its outcome rests the fate of Africa's great game herds. In the Rift's savannas, grazers and their predators struggle to outwit each other, forcing one group of primates to develop a social system that paved the way for the evolution of mankind.




回复 :1. Boko Haram & Unnatural Selection: The Nigerian government is determined to drive militants from a terrorist group out of the country ; A new gene-editing method allow scientists to change the genetic traits of plants and animals.2. Escape to Europe; Cycle of Terror: Following the refugee trail from the Syrian border to Europe; The global reaction to the terrorist attack in Paris impacts the fight against terrorism.3. Right to Die: Exploring the moral, political and personal questions raised by euthanasia.4. Beating Blindness & White Collar Weed: Doctors and researchers make incredible strides in the fight against blindness; Struggling small-scale marijuana farmers face corporate takeovers as the end of the pot-prohibition nears5. Meathooked & End of Water: Examining the environmental harm of industrial meat operations; Assessing the depths of the world's water crisis.6. Return to Yemen & Church and States: Examining the conflict in Yemen; Exploring the ongoing battle for LGBT equal rights in the United States.7. Palestine Now and Viva Cuba Libre: Exploring the lives of young Palestinians today; Examining the political thawing of relationships between Cuba and the United States.8. Afghan Women's Rights & Floating Armories: Violence and oppression are still a fact of life for women in Afghanistan; Private military contractors protect global commerce.9. The Future of Energy: Examining the future of how to make and use energy and how to meet the growing demand as carbon emissions are cut.10. Trump in Dubai & China in Africa: The plight of migrant workers in Dubai; Examining the increasingly prominent business relationship between China and Africa.11. The Deal & City of Lost Children: Exploring the recent Iran deal from both sides; Tribes of homeless children live along the tracks in Kolkata, India.12. The End of Polio and Collateral Damage: Health workers put their lives on the line in Pakistan to eradicate polio; Examining the devastating effects of unexploded ordnance in Myanmar and Laos.13. State of Surveillance: Shane travels to Moscow to meet with Edward Snowden and discuss government surveillance programs.14. Heroin Crisis & New Age of Nukes: The effects of America's Heroin epidemic and the next nuclear arms race.15. Flint Water Crisis & Libya on the Brink: Examining the effects of the water crisis in Flint, Mich.; In Libya, rival militias fight to save the country.16. Die Trying: Patients and top researchers across the U.S. discuss recent measures taken to tackle ALS; Exploring the regulatory hurdles faced by ALS patients and drugmakers.17. Student Debt & Fecal Medicine: The correlation between student-loan borrowing and the soaring cost of college tuition; A medical revolution involves using stool from a healthy person to treat severe intestinal infections in others.18. The New $pace Race & Closing Gitmo: NASA and a growing community of private companies decide to prepare for Mars exploration; Ex-detainees reveal what really happens behind the walls of the American prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.



回复 :1614年,德川家康73岁,年迈的他必须在两个儿子之间为他的将军之位选一名继承人。难以决断的德川家康将决定的权利交给当时势均力敌的两大忍术宗家,它们分别是甲贺流和伊贺流。在前人服部半藏的调解下,曾经水火不容的两家签下了“不战条约”,但在权利和政治的挑拨之下,条约被撕毁了。 两家各派出十名忍者,他们要相互残杀直至仅剩一方幸存,而幸存方所支持的对象即可成为下一代将军。其中,甲贺流的头领甲贺玄之介(鸟海浩辅 配音)与伊贺流的头领胧(水树奈奈 配音)在战前曾经是两情相悦的恋人,与此同时,甲贺流与伊贺流的一些成员之间也有着复杂的感情纠葛。但是此时此刻,仿佛被丝线牵引的人偶,他们必须摒弃所有的感情,展开一场血腥残酷的厮杀。



回复 :《鼬真传篇~光与暗~》作为疾风传第二十三篇章,在2016年3月-5月期间播出,作为动画原创章节,改编自2015年9月4日及10月2日推出的两部外传小说《鼬真传~光明篇》和《鼬真传~暗夜篇》。如同小说,故事焦距于宇智波鼬和其一生的忍者经历。而篇章开头与结尾段落则改编自漫画原作的第678章。包含集数 671~678



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