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回复 :报社记者郭建波、母亲纪明岚与女儿郭婉婷同住在一个屋檐下,祖孙三代因亲情关系捆绑在一起的生活,看似平静实则暗潮涌动。记者郭建波在报导社会负面事件的同时,也在揭开自己身上的伤疤;母亲纪明岚在外为人热情,受人爱戴,但是回到家却判若两人;女儿郭婉婷小小年纪就学会了成人世界里的种种生存法则。一次次的叛逆与反抗都在隐忍中归于平静,一场悄无声息的战争在三代人之间暗自滋生,终将爆发……
回复 :High school intrigues and pulsating eroticism at a boarding school where it’s straight to be queer, in a stylistically impeccable film adaptation of Kristofer Folkhammar’s successful novel.The school year at St. Sebastian has just started and a group of friends expectantly drop into the school area that is exclusively populated by queer guys. The much-desired Charles enters into secret sexual power games orchestrated by the strict school master, who is tortured by memories from a time long before the erotic acceptance that prevails at the boarding school. When the competition for admissions to the prestigious singing event harden, friendships crack and the utopian existence begins to fall apart piece by piece. Based on Kristofer Folkhammar’s novel of the same name, inspired by high school films and gay porn, The Schoolmaster Games illustrates a world where sexuality is free, but power games simmer beneath the surface.