怪物A young man slowly loses himself more and more into a dream world and his own nightmares. But what if the dreams are real?
怪物A young man slowly loses himself more and more into a dream world and his own nightmares. But what if the dreams are real?
回复 :第二次世界大战期间,苏联情报机关得到了一个令人不安的消息,德国制造出了一种新的具有巨大破坏力的化学武器。纳粹法西斯想在实战中得到进一步的测试,然后再大规模的应用。苏军情报机关决定:为避免灾难的发生,同时获得可向盟国提供纳粹犯罪的证据。为了这一目的,指挥部派遣了以经验丰富的米纳埃夫大尉为首的五人小分队,在敌后实施了空降········
回复 :Is it humankind's greatest achievement 12 billion miles away a tiny spaceship is leaving our Solar System and entering the void of deep space. It is the first human-made object ever to do so. Slowly dying within its heart is a plutonium generator that will beat for perhaps another decade before the lights on Voyager finally go out. But this little craft will travel on for millions of years, carrying a Golden Record bearing recordings and images of life on Earth. In all likelihood Voyager will outlive humanity and all our creations. It could be the only thing to mark our existence. Perhaps some day an alien will find it and wonder. The story of Voyager is an epic of human achievement, personal drama and almost miraculous success. Launched 16 days apart in Autumn 1977, the twin Voyager space probes have defied all the odds, survived countless near misses and almost 40 years later continue to beam revolutionary information across unimaginable distances. With less computing power than a ...
回复 :康纳利扮演一个20年警龄的刑事士官长约翰逊,他负责调查镇子上最近发生的三起猥亵女童的案件。很快有一个小女孩失踪,警队展开了地毯式的搜索,约翰逊在树林里发现了女孩。当天晚上,两名巡逻警员发现了一个名叫巴克斯特的衣冠不整者,浑身是泥,他被怀疑是猥亵犯被扣留起来。约翰逊赶回警局后凭直觉断定是巴克斯特所为,用极端残暴的方式将其殴打致死。事后,在刑事督察长卡特怀德的盘问下,约翰逊潜藏在脑袋里的念头开始迸发。