回复 :在娱乐视听高度发达的当下,少女偶像不仅圆了许多人的梦,也令很多情窦初开的女孩找到人生前进的方向。小型艺能公司765事务所便云集了12位性格各异但拥有着共同梦想的女孩子,她们是天海春香(中村绘里子 配音)、星井美希(长谷川明子 配音)、如月千早(今井麻美 配音)、高槻やよい(仁后真耶子 配音)、萩原雪步(浅仓杏美 配音)、菊地真(平田宏美 配音)、双海亚美(下田麻美 配音)、双海真美(下田麻美 配音)、水濑伊织(钉宫理惠 配音)、三浦あずさ(たかはし智秋 配音)、四条贵音(原由实 配音)、我那霸响(沼仓爱美 配音)。事务所新人男性担任摄影师,跟踪记录下女孩们成长的每一天。曾经当过偶像的制作人秋月律子(若林直美 配音)则耐心引领着少女们一步步向偶像殿堂迈进。光明之路纵使充满坎坷,但没有人会拒绝品尝胜利果实的那一刻……
回复 :带您进入一个到处亮闪闪,充满快乐,偶尔愤怒的欢乐王国。这全新的一季里,我们来跟随Unikitty和她的朋友们进入一个充满惊喜,刺激和派对的世界。
回复 :Emu Hino, a 29-year-old virgin, witnesses a mob hit and fears that the killer will now find her and kill her. Indeed, he sets out to do so; he's Yo Hinomura, a talented potter and artist who's been conscripted against his will to be the prime hitman for the 108 Dragons, a gang within the Chinese Mafia, who are determined to push aside Tokyo's local crime lords. He breaks into her house, and she asks that he make love to her before he kills her; she connects to his inner self, and he becomes her protector. Now he must defend her against the local crime gang, who have connections with corrupt Tokyo police. Will Yo and Emu make it out alive, and will the 108 Dragons triumph