连环命案、国产高清私刑执法、国产高清预告杀人、以暴制暴...一群号称“神探”的团伙掀起了一场香港有史以来最邪恶的犯罪!患有精神疾病的“癫佬神探”李俊(刘青云 饰)为查真凶独闯犯罪现场!以“神探夫妇”陈仪(蔡卓妍 饰)和方礼信(林峯 饰)为首的重案组也开启了与杀戮赛跑的缉凶之路!敌友之间,正邪边缘,死亡审判的真相究竟是什么?真正的“神探”到底是谁?
连环命案、国产高清私刑执法、国产高清预告杀人、以暴制暴...一群号称“神探”的团伙掀起了一场香港有史以来最邪恶的犯罪!患有精神疾病的“癫佬神探”李俊(刘青云 饰)为查真凶独闯犯罪现场!以“神探夫妇”陈仪(蔡卓妍 饰)和方礼信(林峯 饰)为首的重案组也开启了与杀戮赛跑的缉凶之路!敌友之间,正邪边缘,死亡审判的真相究竟是什么?真正的“神探”到底是谁?
回复 :We follow a squad of American paratroopers as they struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason for undertaking. As tensions become heightened in the heat of battle, can you depend on the guy next to you, or is he not what he appears to beSet in the aftermath of the allied invasion of France in the summer of 1944 a squad of American paratroopers struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason for undertaking. As tensions become increasingly heightened in the heat of battle, trust becomes not only their hope but their fear as well. Are their allies really who they appears to be Shannon productions have completed principle photography on their first Feature film, 'Battle Recon' written and directed by Robert Shannon. They are now working in association with the Molinaire film and TV village to complete post production and Special Effects. 2011 will see the project develop into a series for television.
回复 :为破获一起大型国宝失窃案,身为刑警的赵红雨(焦俊艳饰),为了调查亲生父亲万正纲(范伟饰)的现任妻子林白玉(陈数饰),在搭档邵宽城(宋洋饰)的掩护之下,到其身边卧底。就在案件得以水落石出之时,这批国家宝藏竟在警察的严密监控下不翼而飞,林白玉也突然失踪……身为历史学教授的万正纲遭到警察怀疑,作为女儿的赵红雨决心找父亲探询真相,却不料陷入一场更大的危机。是夫妻反目成仇引发的悲剧?还是父女冰释前嫌时突遇袭击?在邵宽城的调查下,随着真相浮出水面的,是一场真正关于人性的博弈……
回复 :2012年,美国经济状况恶化,犯罪率剧增,已逐步私人化的监狱为谋取暴利不择手段,于是“死亡飞车”比赛应运而生。昔日优秀的赛车手弗兰克(Jason Statham 饰)在工厂里参与了一场工人抗议,结果当天夜里,有人潜入他的家中,杀害了他的妻子,弗兰克却被当做凶手蒙冤入狱。监狱长、死亡飞车比赛的组织者轩尼诗(Joan Allen 饰)要求弗兰克顶替身死的蒙面赛车手科学怪人,并允诺只要弗兰克以科学怪人的身份再赢一场,他即可获得自由。弗兰克与领航员凯丝(Natalie Martinez 饰)进入了这场驾驶改装车并随时会遭遇死亡的疯狂游戏,怎奈他心不在焉的状况下出师不利,弗兰克面临轩尼诗的威胁与陷害,不得不放手一搏……